mansingh palace ajmer Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of mansingh palace ajmer is (91-145)2425702, 2425855, +91-145-2425956 .
Hotel Mansingh palace Ajmer is a luxurious hotel located in Vaishali Nagar, Ajmer. It is part of the Mansingh group which operates hotels at various locations such as Agra, Jaipur and Ajmer. Hotel Mansingh palace Ajmer comprises of 60 well furnished and centrally air conditioned rooms rooms and suites offering various amenities. Some of those amenities include minibars, tea/coffee maker, running hot and cold water and hair dryers. Some other facilities available in the hotel include doctor on call, health club CTV, beauty parlour, 24 hr. money exchange, parking and 2 hr. room service. The Sheesha mahal restaurant at Hotel Mansingh palace Ajmer offers a blend of continental, Mughali, Chinese as well as Rajasthani dishes along with live music. The hotel also offers conference rooms and party areas. For general queries mail at

mansingh palace ajmer Address

The address of mansingh palace ajmer is Vaishali Nagar, Ajmer - 305001 Rajasthan, India Fax:(91-145) 2425858.

mansingh palace ajmer Email Address

The email address of mansingh palace ajmer is

mansingh palace ajmer Website

The Website of mansingh palace ajmer is

mansingh palace ajmer Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of mansingh palace ajmer is (91-145)2425702, 2425855, +91-145-2425956 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of mansingh palace ajmer Service Center and mansingh palace ajmer customer phone number is given below. The helpline of mansingh palace ajmer customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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