meezan bank Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of meezan bank is +92 (21) 38103500, +92(21) 111-331-331 .
Meezan bank operates as an Islamic bank and is headquartered in the Pakistani city of Karachi. The bank started its business operations in the year 2002. Meezan bank has the distinction of having the first-ever Islamic commercial banking license by the State Bank of Pakistan. Some of the personal banking products and services offered by the bank include Rupee Current Account, Rupee Saving Account, Labbaik Saving Aasaan, Dollar Saving Account, Euro Saving Account, Meezan Bachat Account, visa debit card and internet banking. Corporate Banking, Investment Banking, Islamic Advisory Services and Asset Management are some of the business banking services provided by Meezan bank.

meezan bank Address

The address of meezan bank is Meezan House, C-25 Estate Avenue, SITE, Karachi, Pakistan.

meezan bank Email Address

The email address of meezan bank is,

meezan bank Website

The Website of meezan bank is

meezan bank Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of meezan bank is +92 (21) 38103500, +92(21) 111-331-331 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of meezan bank Service Center and meezan bank customer phone number is given below. The helpline of meezan bank customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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meezan bank Customer Phone Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Tariq Rasheed CallsFeb 11, 2024

Mr. Tariq Rasheed On Phone To meezan bank Service
My account is blocked i have made a complain via email and messages no response what kind off service are you providing my problem needs to be resolved quicky. Mobile no 447951643629.

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