mohammad sadiq Phone Number Customer Service

Muhammad Sadiq is a well known Punjabi singer, actor and politician from East Punjab (Indian Punjab). He was born in 1942 in Ludhiana district, India. Muhammad Sadiq is best known for his duets with singer Ranjit Kaur apart from singing with other female singers of Punjab viz. Surinder Kaur, Narinder Biba, Rajinder Rajan etc. Muhammad Sadiq rose to fame in the 1960's with his folk song "Nigah Maarda Aayin Ve Mera Laung Gawacha". Among his other famous songs include Jatti Mili Jatt Nu, Kurti Malmal Di, 100 da note, Baggi Titri Kamaadon Nikli etc. He has featured in films namely Patola (1987), Putt Jattan De (1981), Jatt Jeona Morh (1991) etc. Muhammad Sadiq contested the 2012 Punjab Assembly Elections as a Congress candidate from Bhadaur and won.

mohammad sadiq Address

The address of mohammad sadiq is Punjab, India.

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