municipality of malay aklan Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of municipality of malay aklan is (036) 268-5338 .
Municipality of Malay is a metropolis and a first class Municipality in Aklan, Philippines. It had a population of 45,811 people as per 2010 census. Boracay resort island is part of Municipality of Malay. It was created on June 15, 1949 from barrio of Malay. It also has a small airport known as Godofredo P. Ramos Airport, also referred to as Caticlan Airport as well as a sea port known as Caticlan Jetty Port. Boracay European International School, Malay National High School, Malay Elementary School, NVC International School, Sambiray Primary School, Napaan Primary School, Canadian Tourism & Hospitality Institute and Boracay Island Global Academy are some of the schools and institutions in Municipality of Malay.

municipality of malay aklan Address

The address of municipality of malay aklan is Lone District, Aklan Western, Visayas (Region VI)Philippines.

municipality of malay aklan Email Address

The email address of municipality of malay aklan is

municipality of malay aklan Website

The Website of municipality of malay aklan is

municipality of malay aklan Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of municipality of malay aklan is (036) 268-5338 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of municipality of malay aklan Service Center and municipality of malay aklan customer phone number is given below. The helpline of municipality of malay aklan customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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