royal ballet school Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of royal ballet school is +44(0)20 7836 8899 .
Royal ballet school is a classical ballet training school located in Covent Garden, London. It's history dates back to 1931 when it was founded by Dame Ninette de Valois as Vic-Wells Ballet School. Royal ballet school also has a separate branch at White Lodge, Richmond Park for students aged between 11 and 16 years. Margot Fonteyn, Anya Linden, Kenneth MacMillan, Lynn Seymour, David Wall, Antoinette Sibley, Anthony Dowell, Marguerite Porter, Stephen Jefferies are some of the renowned dancers and choreographers who have been trained at the school. For press and media related queries feel free to mail Royal ballet school at

royal ballet school Address

The address of royal ballet school is 46 Floral Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2E 9DA, UK.

royal ballet school Email Address

The email address of royal ballet school is

royal ballet school Website

The Website of royal ballet school is

royal ballet school Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of royal ballet school is +44(0)20 7836 8899 (Click phone number to call).

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