Mr. Vishnu On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
My number 8859558904 mane ye number Airtel me port karaha he 15 din ho gaye abhi Airtel me activate nahi hua he 19. 09. 2016 ko BSNL se deactivate ho jayega aap mere number Ko Airtel me activate kar dijie pleasezz.
Mr. Davison On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
Hello sir my Airtel no 9790513538 is missed at may now the number is use in thirumal city, but that number is very improtant for me so what prosecge to take the number please help me.
Ms. Yogeetha Bhagat On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
Hi i am yogeetha sandesh bhagat i have complain
Mr. Arvind On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
My Airtel no 09205624355 number have been stoped how now.
Ms. Josephine Sharma On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
Payment of monthly bill for 9001673777 was done in the month of July via online and in same month store payment was also taken by the store representative. Hence double bill payment has been done for the given MISISDN. Please confirm if the same will be adjusted next month.
Mr. Prabjit Singh Chhina On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
My no confirmation is complete mid night ten pm yesterday
but my number Was not activate
please activate my no.
Ms. Monoshri On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
I have requested for Airtel connection, submitted documents and also advanced money. But still I did not get my connection.
Mr. Shruti On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
We are using Airtel fixed line service and also registered our nothing has been done so far. 0522-4105733.
Ms. Yogeetha Bhagat On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
Why is my outgoing service debaded
my limit is 1000/- start the service bill will be paid after 3rd july 2016
my number is 9167148616.
Mr. Divyansh Jain On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
My SIM is puk blocked by mistake. Please enter me my SIM pasword. My Airtel number is 9893401908.
Mr. Karthikraja On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
I am Karthikraja from madurai last one week my TATA Docomo SIM card change the our Airtel network, but still now not network connection so kindly help with us. My number is 9245811151.
Mr. Vivek On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
My Sim card is not in use suddenly what happen do not no so please help me out.
Mr. Javed Jamil On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
Since morning I am not receiving calls nor able to call from my phone number 8130340339.
Mr. Ahmed Ali On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
Charge of Rs4052. 09 initiated yesterday on my Amex Card against payment of my mobile number 9892300848. It may be noted that I have already paid this amount on 27th April 2016 through net banking. Hence, request you to stop the charges initiated on my card immediately and incase the charges has been processed, then to refund the amount at the earliest. Thanking you
Ahmed Ali .
Mr. Munish On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
I had Port the Airtel no to some other network, and before porting the number i had clear all the outstanding, as per communicated by Airtel executive. Now today i received the SMS that i had some due payment towards Airtel. Simultaneously i had called Airtel service desk and some one says you have to pay the amount, without giving details
Is this service you guys were paying. Thats the reason i had ported my number. Disgusting and poor service.
Mr. Mahesh Babu On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
Ji. Sir. My name Mahesh Babu . What. Problem your are not take my proof. I take. three Times only. Take the numbers. Please give 1 time. New Number please check my. Aadhar. Only i use no 9966396152. Aadhar number 521471537941 please. Report.
Mr. Sureshkumar R On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
Hi, This is Sureshkumar R and was using postpaid connection. I have given a request to change postpaid to prepaid connection. Also I made postpaid bill and got new SIM for prepaid for the same number. My mobile number : 9840677603. Still the prepaid connection not activated. Please do the needful. ThanksSureshkumar R .
Ms. Adegoke Moyinoluwa On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
Good afternoon, i use an Airtel SIM with mobile number (08128454946), but i was robbed and my phone was stolen with the SIM. I kindly request you to block/barred my Airtel number(including all important details) in order to safeguard/protect my contacts from frauds/inconvenience. Thank you.
Mr. Atul Kumar On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
Hi my number Is 011-46584273, my net speed is very slow i would like to increase my speed kindly help me out as soon as possible. My Contact number is 7827604050.
Ms. Nishu Pal On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
I took new postpaid Airtel SIM 9650044089 on Aug 23, 2015. It worked fine for two days i. E. Till Aug25, 2015. Since then it is showing No service and even phone is not reading SIM card. I called customer care number several times, but got no resolution. It's very disappointing. Please look into it. If you can't, Please deactivate it as I am not going to pay any bill without using any service. My alternate number is 8447271228.
Ms. P. Sivasankari On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
Hi, Airtel Customer care had De-Registered my mobile number 9980876602. I would like to know why they have De-Registered my SIM.
Mr. Shakti Singh On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
Dear Sir/mammy name is Shakti Singh and my Vodafone mobile number 9718105666. I have porting request give to Airtel as on 08. 07. 2015. But till now no any action no any process. So kindly support me please port my no from Vodafone to Airtel as soon as possible. All documents are send to Airtel executive. So please support me.
Ms. Neha Mathur On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
Dear sir/ madamI am Neha Mathur living in Paschim Vihar, New Delhi. I have two Airtel connections. Both My aitel number S 1). 9871788794 and 2). 9829305336 are not receiving signals. Kindly resolve my problem. Thanking you. Yours sincerelyNeha Mathur .
Ms. Khushboo Gupta On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
I have ONLINE recharged Airtel prepaid mobile 8473997729 on 11/03/2015 at 11. 18am through Airtel website. The transaction ID is 310581036. It was watsapp pack of Rs. 44. The money has been debited from my account, but the recharge has not been made. Therefore I need the refund of the same.
Mr. Parasuraj On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
I deactivated my Airtel broadband connection on September month. But still I got the bill for every month. And my account is still activated. Need to deactivate my connection as soon as possible. My Airtel broadband number is 5563618.
Mr. Parasuraj On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
How can i contact Airtel customer care from my Vodafone number. I need to inquire about my Airtel broadband connection issue. I can not find any customer care number for that.
Mr. Pratiek On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
My prepaid mobile number 9900627249 was supposed to be changed to post paid on 28th January 2015. But still there is no response. My phone connection is inactive for the past two days. The Airtel executive who is in-charge of my postpaid connection is not receiving my calls for two days. Please call me ASAP to resolve the issue. Pratiek(9710331790).
Mr. Munaff On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
My number is 9676938664 (Andhra Pradesh number). My balance is getting deducted automatically. Please look into this as early as possible.
Mr. Yogesh Munjal On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
Please arrange a callback from Airtel Customer care on my mobile number. Mobile number is 9718926307.
Mr. Mohan Kumar On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
Please close my 3g dongle number 9008627788 my namemohankumar called customer care but not succesful my phone number is 8105916211.
Mr. Suresh Yn On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
This is my post paid number 9945666300. I have paid the bill through online. Please actiate the number as soon as possible.
Thanks and regards
Suresh yn.
Mr. Arun Khopkar On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
I got my card about 3days ago.
My prepaid connection number is 7738948206
connection is still not activated.
Please look into it. I need to use it urgently.
My alternate number is 9821411376.
Please look into it.
Mr. TARIQ On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
Since 15 days Complaining bout the broadband not working to the local service provider, but no Response In Lucknow
Ms. Priyanka Suresh On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
I had bought a postpaid sim.I have completed all my verification details from Airtel.My SIM is not yet activated.When I call the customer care they ask me to wait for 24 hrs everyday.My number is 8050665125.The network range is not showing in my mobile.
Mr. gurinder jit singh On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
my pre-paid Airtel mobile number is 98154 97998
-on 12th sept.i bought duplicate micro/mini SIM card for
my new nokia Lumia set and i was told that it will be activated within 2-3 hours
-my old SIM card was de-activated in two hours, but new still not activated.please help
gurinder jit singh
Mr. Mohammad Shan On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
I am using my number international roaming at saudi arab, but I do not know that why's not my calls out going?, but calls incoming......
mobile number is 7895323418
Mr. Mohammad Shan On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
I am using my number international roaming at saudi arab, but I do not know that why's not my calls out going?, but calls incoming......
Mr. praveen On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
Unable to make any calls! whenever we try to call any number it says "please check the number you have dialled, add 0 for STD calls and 00 for isd calls".
Mr. sanjay On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service
Hello my name number 9896402196.27 June 2013 at 12:00 charge 21 rupess i call to time complain help line.but he did not tell .he say problem sestm do not check. So please check and tell me.i think it wrong charge.
Mr. T RAVI KUMAR On Phone To Airtel Other Network Service