Hcl Desktop India Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Hcl Desktop India is 1860-1800-425 .
Hindustan Computer Limited or HCL is among the leading IT companies in India. Its headquarters is located in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. The Company is best known for its desktops. HCL has operations in more than thirty nations. It is also engaged in services like IT services and IT consulting.

HCL was founded in 1991 by Shiv Nadar. The Company employees more than 84,000 persons. Its list of services includes Business Services, Custom Application Services, Engineering and R&D Services, Enterprise Application Services, Enterprise Transformation Services and IT Infrastructure Management Services.

Customer Service Hours
Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

The customer care number of Hcl Desktop India can be contacted from Himachal Pradesh, Trivandrum, Uttar Pradesh, Nasik, Gurgaon, Rajasthan, Patiala, Lucknow, Madurai, Mysore, Navi Mumbai, Indore, Visakhapatnam, East Delhi, Maharashtra, Jammu, Meerut, Chandigarh, Erode, Cochin, Tamil Nadu, Gorakhpur, Vellore, Kerala, Surat, Bangalore, West Bengal, Amritsar, Gwalior, Hyderabad, Jamshedpur, Dehradun, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Aurangabad, Varanasi, New Delhi, Karnataka, Kanpur, Goa, Jharkhand, Faridabad, Ernakulam, Sangli, South Delhi, Ahmedabad, Trichy, Salem, Orissa, Pune, Rajkot, Vijayawada, Ludhiana, Agra, Mumbai, Andhra Pradesh, Mangalore, Nagpur, Allahabad, Kolkata, Chennai, Jalandhar, Patna, Uttarakhand, Bhubaneswar, Chhattisgarh, Noida, Thane, Vadodara, Pondicherry, Bihar, West Delhi, Raipur, Delhi, North Delhi, Coimbatore, Bhopal, Shillong, Assam, Ghaziabad, Baroda, Ranchi, Punjab, Goregaon, Udaipur, Jaipur India, etc.

Awards won by HCL:

  • The HR Excellence Award for Most innovative deployment of HR technology, 2014.
  • Best governed company by the Asian Centre for Corporate Governance & Sustainability, 2014.
  • Globetrotters Award at the Exhange4media, 2015.
  • Aecus Innovation Award for implementing an operational control center for Unilever, 2015.

How to reach of HCL:

The global customers of HCL can reach HCL at their headquarter at the address mentioned below:
HCL Infosystems Limited,
D-233, Sector-63, Noida,
Uttar Pradesh, India.
The customers can also reach Bhaswati Chakravorty (Head, Corporate Communication HCL Corporation & Shiv Nadar Foundation) at: Bhaswati.Chakravorty@hcl.com
The customer care number of HCL is as: 1860-1800-425
For inquiries or feedback, the customers can write in to HCL at: brand@hcl.com or http://www.hcl.com/general-enquiry
SMS: 9911115555
Email: hcltouch.reg@hcl.in
For desktop and laptop related queries, email: hcltouch.dtlt@hcl.com
The customers can also download drivers, upgrade software, register products or seek any other kind of assistance at: http://hclsupportservice.in/

Global contact details of HCl:

LocationContact number
Philippines+632 483 8800
Kuwait+965 566 826 308
Qatar+974 445 28 172
Saudi Arabia+966 503 014 044
United Arab Emirates+971 444 61 870
Malaysia+60 389 959 999
Hong Kong+852 2213 9205
Japan03 3539 8800
China+86 0 21 5080 5106
India+91 120 253 5071

LocationContact number
Jersey201 680 7000
Parsippany631 410 2960
Wilsonville408 328 777
Redmond408 523 8456
Cary408 328 7756
Oakbrook Terrace630 571 2568

LocationContact number
London+44 (0) 207 105 8600
Sweden+46 8 50 30 84 00
Norway+47 99 500 107
Netherlands+31 (0) 703 012 410

Australia, Africa and New Zealand:
LocationContact number
Australia+64 (4) 462 6898
New Zealand+64 (9) 369 9500
South Africa+27 (0)11 063 8500

For other global contact details, the clients can track any of the HCL office at:

Hcl Desktop India Address

The address of Hcl Desktop India is HCL Infosystems Limited, D-233, Sector-63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Hcl Desktop India Website

The Website of Hcl Desktop India is www.hcl.in.

Hcl Desktop India Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Hcl Desktop India is 1860-1800-425 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Hcl Desktop India Service Center and Hcl Desktop India customer care number is given below. The helpline of Hcl Desktop India customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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Hcl Desktop India Phone Number Customer Service

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Hcl Desktop India Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Ashok G Rathod CallsSep 20, 2016

Mr. Ashok G Rathod On Phone To Hcl Desktop India Service
CPU Is not working. Please give me company sevrvice imidetly
M number 9880173681.

Customer care male
Mr. Santosh CallsAug 06, 2016

Mr. Santosh On Phone To Hcl Desktop India Service
Computer start five to ten mint. On next key board and mouse not working.

Customer care male
Mr. Rajender Kumar CallsAug 09, 2015

Mr. Rajender Kumar On Phone To Hcl Desktop India Service
Want to extant warranty machine sr. No. - 2123AC308394.

Customer care male
Mr. Abhinav Srivastava CallsAug 04, 2015

Mr. Abhinav Srivastava On Phone To Hcl Desktop India Service
HCL DISKTOP complaint number 8505447411 dt. 17/07/2015, but no response on your company i talk to 1- Joyti toll free number 186018000425. and mobile number 9810144646, Anurag 9918416746, Mohd. Abdul toll free number 186018000425. and Mr. Satendra 8826007997. I am suffering on 18 days a not satisfied to your company person.

Customer care male
Mr. Ravi Shanker CallsJul 13, 2015

Mr. Ravi Shanker On Phone To Hcl Desktop India Service
HCL TFT MONITOR 18. 5"PRODUCT ID: HCMEEWBD11SERIAL NO: B86132902217Display problem. address: ST. Anthony Schoolsector-9, Faridabad, Haryana.

Customer care male
Mr. Amit CallsApr 01, 2015

Mr. Amit On Phone To Hcl Desktop India Service
No Response about my complaint Complaint -8505259467 25-02-2015.

Customer care male
Mr. Somnath Majumder CallsJan 24, 2015

Mr. Somnath Majumder On Phone To Hcl Desktop India Service
HCL CPU Serial number A133AC751078 is out of order.

Customer care male
Mr. Anurag Sharma CallsDec 25, 2014

Mr. Anurag Sharma On Phone To Hcl Desktop India Service
They did not pick my phone for two day, but i continuously trying it after two day they response and register my complaint but its about 15 days passed nothing happens to my desktop. Serial number is c103ac088800.

Customer care male
Mr. Venkat Raghav CallsNov 13, 2014

Mr. Venkat Raghav On Phone To Hcl Desktop India Service
HCL Tft Monitor Model number is 185W80PSA and serial number is B86124503827 Prod:HCMEEWBDII MFD:CB09 is not working and power supply also not taking.

Customer care female
Ms. Eleanore Ciuba CallsNov 13, 2014

Ms. Eleanore Ciuba On Phone To Hcl Desktop India Service
Why do you post a phone number? That is not a working number. You are ruining your image ridiculous. I need help with my desktop. Please phone 609 6521265 eleanoreciuba.

Customer care male
Mr. Guptesh CallsJul 24, 2014

Mr. Guptesh On Phone To Hcl Desktop India Service
Dear sir/madam, This is to inform you some days ago i have been complaint, but still now there is no response of your site. My complaint number is 8504755119. Kindly check and resolve as soon as possible.

Customer care user complaints