Mr. Ratan Kumar Bagani, Rishab Bagani On Phone To MTS Mblaze Pune Service
My contact number is 9008092860
MDN number is 9141902611.
Mr. Ratan Kumar Bagani, Rishab Bagani On Phone To MTS Mblaze Pune Service
Want to get internet connection ready at Pune for my MTS datacard, which I was using at Bangalore 9141902611. I am not able to recharge from my laptop.
Mr. Kirti Swarup Rath On Phone To MTS Mblaze Pune Service
My MTS number is 8453960326. I was using the same in Bangalore. WOuld like to know if I can continue using it in Pune from now on and the change in tariffs, thereby. Regards,
Kirti Swarup Rath
Mr. Ramesh Gund On Phone To MTS Mblaze Pune Service
MTS mblaze five 919d models glass having crack. Mobile is working fine. What is cost of glass only. Not in warrantee.
Mr. Namrata On Phone To MTS Mblaze Pune Service
Mr. Sairam On Phone To MTS Mblaze Pune Service
My cousin is missing since 19th of February 2015. He is carrying a MTS blaze mobile. The mobile number is : 9372719333. Kindly provide the IMEI or MEI number at the earliest. Please send the information to 8551065566.
abdulrahim shaikh On Phone To MTS Mblaze Pune Service
l would like to know that MTS is available in Pune..
Mr. Sachin Mahajan On Phone To MTS Mblaze Pune Service
Mts modem is not working properly kindly revert back for assistance. Please call on my mobile number 9011294692/ 9673678797. As soon as. Waiting for your reply.
Mr. Pravin On Phone To MTS Mblaze Pune Service
I have a MTS dongle,
but because of your untimely service termination,i am unable use it.
Please provide me some other way to use or some exchange for the same.
M: 7757002333
Ms. anamika On Phone To MTS Mblaze Pune Service
MTS Mblaze is not working. I heard that company is closed.
I want to refund my monety
Mr. Rahul Verma On Phone To MTS Mblaze Pune Service
I am unable to recharge my MTS Mblaze net dongle. My number is 9145289855. My last recharge was done around six months ago. Recently i am trying to use that in my windows eight O.S, but getting problem. ,
please help asap. Contact me on