Ms. Cindy Lea Trueman On Phone To Paypal Canada Service
Impossible to explain things to a robot when you just need an agent when your
having account issue's. When you ask for an agent just give us one. Thank you.
Mr. Jean-pierre On Phone To Paypal Canada Service
I want to close my account and you do not let me do it .
Ms. Huguette Mckay On Phone To Paypal Canada Service
The Canadian assc. Of footcare nurses is trying to charge us a 360. 45 for a regerstration fee that we did not ask for the transaction number is 87j20677sp420094s could you please check this out and let me know.
Mr. James Adair On Phone To Paypal Canada Service
What is the toll free number for customer service in Canada?
I am looking for information on Transaction Id: CA-1XP62973XM179133S
I am told it was paid to me, but I see no activity in my account.
Ms. Linda Brogly On Phone To Paypal Canada Service
Hi. I was hacked in March and as part of the process for this my account was frozen. I have since had my system fixed. I have also changed my password and my security questions. I have asked what else needs to be done to have my account unfrozen, but have not received a reply. My phone number is 780-444-6384 and I would appreciate a call about this.
Mr. Dr Ray-vic Malin On Phone To Paypal Canada Service
I requested return label from Ecomm-Karma LLC, I received a return label and delivered the return to UPS outlet in Baie D'Urfe qc CA. CASE AID BPP-006-340-348-385
TRANS AM'T $157. 14 USD
"YOUR" transaction ID: 50D441710E541145N
UPS TRACKING NUMBER OF RETURN:1Z87557E9092146981. Lost. The return label was USA TO USA Only. The return address was "wrong"? and the label had a USA return address.
Ms. Donna Wade On Phone To Paypal Canada Service
I am constantly getting Paypal e-mails saying I have charged items. One was in the UK and now in Washington. I do not use my Paypal account and haven't used it in at least 15 years. These charges are not mine. I need to delete any personal info from Paypal. Thank you.
Ms. Gisele Lacelle On Phone To Paypal Canada Service
Contesting purchase made on my MasterCard for fraudulant merchant ALLWAYSTORE TECH for the amount of 65. 85$ 4029357733 dated 06/07/2018. The merchant did not send V5s as advertised on Facebook. PLEASE CONTACT ME FOR THIS SCAM MERCHANT. CANNOT UPLOAD PICTURES.
Mr. James Miske On Phone To Paypal Canada Service
I do not use Paypal. Check your information. I do not have login information. I AM PREPARED TO INVOLE THE POLICE.