Tata Indicom Walky Ahmedabad Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Tata Indicom Walky Ahmedabad is 12524,9227012524 .
Tata Indicom walky is a product of Tata Teleservices. The league introduced Home2Mobile 249 and Home2Mobile 349 tariff plans for domestic users and City 299, Silver 499 and Tata 600 tariff plans for business customers in Ahmedabad. Tata Walky is like a land line phone. Tata Indicom has its command office in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Tata Teleservices provides mobile telephony, broadband services, digital television services etc. Tata Teleservices is the innovator of the CDMA 1x technological innovation system in India. Tata Teleservices industry-best and revolutionary promotions have accumulated industry-wide reputation.

Complaint numbers of Tata Walky

  • Call 121 for post paid numbers.
  • 1281 for public telephone stands.
  • 12524 for prepaid users.

Tata Indicom Walky Ahmedabad Source of Knowledge


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Tata Indicom Walky Ahmedabad Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Iifl Gold Loan CallsJul 09, 2015

Mr. Iifl Gold Loan On Phone To Tata Indicom Walky Ahmedabad Service
Tata Walky no 9228014668 / 9228014669 are not working, request you to please Resolve the Same.

Customer care male
Mr. Sunil Jaiswal CallsFeb 05, 2015

Mr. Sunil Jaiswal On Phone To Tata Indicom Walky Ahmedabad Service
Sir, My TATA Indicom mobile number 9276956926 now few month am out of station now when am come at Ahmadabad home network so am not getting any network on my mobile. Please do the needfulRegards, Sunil Jaiswalsunil01ch49@rediffmail.com.

Customer care male
Mr. Kanubhai Patel CallsOct 08, 2014

Mr. Kanubhai Patel On Phone To Tata Indicom Walky Ahmedabad Service
Dear sir, Myself kanubhai patel. I want to stop the service of TATA walky because of no longer use of it. My phone number is 07965213395. I want to stop all the services regarding this number, so please do action as soon as possible.
Please let me know after stop it on my number : 9824168563 or 8866239959.
Thanking you.
Kanubhai patel.

Customer care male
Mr. Ramanbhai panchal CallsJul 31, 2013

Mr. Ramanbhai panchal On Phone To Tata Indicom Walky Ahmedabad Service
My landline phone is not working properly in before one month. please solve my problem.

Ramanbhai Panchal

Customer care user complaints