Ms. Rajni Khajuria On Phone To Vodafone Jammu Service
My Vodafone number 9796648998 is not working from the last three days. I am a resident of J and K. I am very very dissapointed from your service. Please look nto the matter and resume the services otherwise i ll switch to another network.
Mr. GULSHAN SHARMA On Phone To Vodafone Jammu Service
I have unable to make a call to any number The answer we are greeting from IVR is this facility have not available on that, , but incoming is available. My Vodafone number is 8713064660. Please let me no if any query on both no 9906900113 ASAP.
Mr. Pankaj Bansal On Phone To Vodafone Jammu Service
I had using your Vodafone no 8716002030 from last three yrs, but from last month's I got some downloading charges without any reason last month you charged 170 without any reason and today again o got a Sms that I have charged rupees 77 for tiny tot service, but I have not click on that service than how can it activate. I want to know that had any one want extra charges in his bill NO that how can I click in the same. Same thing happens my caller tone has deactivate without any reason. Or my request. If you people not able to solve my problem than I have to close my no and no move another operator like Aircel or idea. Airtel even they have better plan from u.
Mr. Suman On Phone To Vodafone Jammu Service
Very bad. Bakbas How I can talk with customer care. Shame shame. Frauds only.
Mr. Robin On Phone To Vodafone Jammu Service
Unrealistic and unsatisified answers, manipulating, Rude behavior of your executives. It was very bad experience to be on such type of network. Thanks.
Mr. Robin On Phone To Vodafone Jammu Service
User number is 8713030687. My balance is often deducted from my account and your executive are not properly sorting out my issue. They are trying to fool me. So its my humble request to please take necessary actions regarding this concern i would be thanking full to you. I had done a recharge of 501 in which I am benefited with 100 std min for 28 days,, but unfortunately today I was not been benefited. And the customer care executive are not resolving my issue. And my balance was deducted ie rupees 10. So please help me out.Thanks RobinJammu8713030687.
Ms. Baby Koul On Phone To Vodafone Jammu Service
I have not received the bill detail on my e mail ID i. E Please udate my e mail ID so i will pay payment on due date.