AM Greetings Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of AM Greetings is 1.800.729.9188 .
The American Greetings company is the world's largest company that is offering the real essence of greeting cards to its customers. The old name of this company was Sapirstein Greeting Card Company. The founder of this company is Jacob Sapirstein and its headquarters are at Brooklyn, Ohio, United States of America. The chairman of this company is Morry Weiss, and president is John W. Beeder while as Gregory M. Steinberg is the CFO of this company.

American Greetings company provides various products to its customers like as paper greeting cards, Gift wrap, Electronic greetings, educational products, etc. Besides this the American Greetings also owns the Carlton Cards, Just For You, Gibson brands, etc. American Greetings company has also license for the Nickelodeon characters.

The owner of this company is Weiss family. The number of employees working in this company are about 27,500. American Greetings is serving its customers worldwide. The products of this company are Very beautiful and attractive ones with awesome outlook. People across the Globe are taking the pleasure from the outputs of the American Greetings Company as because they are very appreciating ones.

The American Greetings company also decided the sale Strawberry Shortcake and Care Bears to DIC entertainment but later on in the year 2009 announced that the plan has been cancelled. thus the ownership remained in the hands of American Greetings as the company is looking for the new owner, but in the year 2009, Cookie Jar had made a $76 million auction bid for the Strawberry and Care Bears properties thus the owner rights were pleaded by the Cookie Jar.

You can also Fax AM Greetings At

Fax: 216.252.6778

AM Greetings Address

The address of AM Greetings is American Greetings Corporation One American Road Cleveland, Ohio 44144-2398 216.252.7300.

AM Greetings Email Address

The email address of AM Greetings is

AM Greetings Website

The Website of AM Greetings is

AM Greetings contact person

The contact person of AM Greetings is Jacob Sapirstein.

AM Greetings Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of AM Greetings is 1.800.729.9188 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of AM Greetings Service Center and AM Greetings customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of AM Greetings customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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