Ms. Abbey On Phone To Alabang Town Center Service
Live wires corrected, but now I doubt it was mentioned that it was from a patron’s concern and suggestion. Not to mention by the way, it turned out that his office is just nearby. Correct me if you must, but as a security manager, you give extra mile to ensure safety for everybody? Too many to tell. NOW MAIN CONCERNS ARE YOUR PEOPLE. Maybe it is true your sec mgt has plenty of medals, maybe you have department heads been to high education BUT ‘END USERS’ like me just want a mall that is safe and true to us. I wonder if I will hear from your company this time. Thank you anyway.
Ms. Abbey On Phone To Alabang Town Center Service
I put aside the incident about checking me of being a pwd to see what kind of a person ayala mall hired. I walked with him where Outback and Gloria Maris used to be and pointed to him all the exposed live wires along the pedestrian covered walk and explained to him that even less than an inch of an exposed live wire is not a joke. I should know because electrocution from a lamppost outside my property was the cause of my suffering and disability.
Ms. Abbey On Phone To Alabang Town Center Service
Few days after, he told me Fhe mentioned the suggestion during a ‘meeting’, but did not mention that a PWD actually had that terrifying experience. Why? Make it look his own idea out of concern for us pwds or seniors or make it look like he really observes? What if it was somebody with a knife?.
Ms. Abbey On Phone To Alabang Town Center Service
Took that aside after bit few weeks and after I realized that I should have just continued relying to Mr. Macapanas. My experience few nites ago about somebody suddenly appeared from behind my vehicle to ask ‘alms’? Then appeared again at the passenger side. It already was dark then. The following day, I informed Mr. Cabuenas and suggested to possibly secure the senior/pwd parking by putting more barricade to prevent strangers from hiding behind dark vehicles and trimming lower part of some trees and maybe add one more
Ms. Abbey On Phone To Alabang Town Center Service
Big mistake that I did not immediately complained his manner of knowing if I am indeed a PWD when I was inquiring for the requirement on how to enter the mall during the quarantine period. Is it part of Ayala training to size up somebody’s PWD status )a woman wearing a tee and shorts and sports shoes) by looking from head to toe and vise versa and at the sides of my body and utter that I do not look like one and other offensive questions for a REAL PWD.
Ms. Abbey On Phone To Alabang Town Center Service
Mr. Lomotan has not done anything and even your security manager just gave me the round abouts when he was at the customer service when I asked if he can assure that the area manager is really aware of now accumulated concerns. He denied having means to contact Ms. Roni whom he used to brag that she calls him for this and that matter. Then he said they only communicate thru viber. Don’t you need a person’s number for that?.
Ms. Abbey On Phone To Alabang Town Center Service
Apart from ever and consistently very reliable and very professional Mr. Andrew Macapanas and your well trained customer service personnel, the rest are frustrating and am wondering if the people who hired them are actually getting a real feedback re performance evaluation. I have concerns as pwd and long time patron and some concerns like a year old
now and the recent ones are just frustrating that nobody from direct ayala people has ever gotten back. Why ask for my personal contact details and not respect it?.
Mr. Jose Aguado On Phone To Alabang Town Center Service
Can you provide a wheel chair for an elderly who wants to watch a movie
Pls text me back
At 09178112870.
Ms. Ms. Customer On Phone To Alabang Town Center Service
The numbers provided for ANY of the AYALA malls are virtually useless. NO ONE ANSWERS or the phone is busy. What is the point of providing numbers that do not work or do not have people answering them. VERY POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE.
Mr. Symbol On Phone To Alabang Town Center Service
I left my wallet on one of the tables in the foodcourt last night around 8:00 PM. I found this out two hours after because I watched a movie with my friends (their treat) and returned there right after. The guard there said that it could have been returned to the customer service, but it's already closed during that time. Hoping that it's there with you. It's a black cloth wallet with 1k plus inside, a unionbank atm, a starbucks card, and an SM advantage card with my name: Symbol Fabellon.
Hoping for your kindest earliest response re this matter.
You can email me back at or you can contact me at 09164030214.