Allegheny Power Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Allegheny Power is 1-888-544-4877 .
Allegheny Energy was the electricity service provider in United States. It had set up head office in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. The company produced and distributed electricity in five states. Beside Pennsylvania, Allegheny Energy served the residents of West Virginia and Maryland. The Company served more than 1,600,000 customers, mainly residing villages and small towns through its 4,211 employees.

Allegheny Energy had started operation from Maryland on January 31, 1907 as West Penn Power. It had divided operations in Three sections; these are merchant generation, transmission expansion and utility operations. Its Merchant Generation handled electric generation plants in two states whereas utility operations handled transmission and distribution operations in five states. The Company was combined with FirstEnergy in 2011 which operates 18,000 megawatts power generation facilities. FirstEnergy serves 6,000,000 business and commercial customers in six states through 16,500 employees.

Allegheny Energy operated various subsidiaries such as West Penn Power, Monongahela Power and The Potomac Edison Company. The Power producing plants were handled by Allegheny Energy Supply Company and Monongahela Power. TQS Research, it was the number one company in customer satisfaction across the country. It had also been ranked number one by the both industrial and individual customers for many year in category of leading performer companies. The Company generated approximately half of total Revenue of Southwestern Pennsylvania state.

On our website, We provide contact information of FirstEnergy.

Allegheny Power Address

The address of Allegheny Power is Greensburg, Pennsylvania, United States.

Allegheny Power Website

The Website of Allegheny Power is

Allegheny Power Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Allegheny Power is 1-888-544-4877 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Allegheny Power Service Center and Allegheny Power customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Allegheny Power customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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