Avalon Nanaimo Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Avalon Nanaimo is +1-250-390-5018 .
Avalon Nanaimo is one of the chain of Landmark Cinemas in Canada, owned and operated by Landmark Cinemas of Canada, Inc. The chain is a privately held company that is engaged in Film Exhibition, Feature Film, Theater Rental and Promotions. The company was established in the year 1965. The corporate office of the Landmark Cinemas of Canada, Inc is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Avalon Nanaimo Business Facts and Figures

Landmark Cinemas of Canada, Inc., offers alternative programming and special events, on screen digital advertising, theater rental and online Booking services. It is one of Canada's largest motion picture theater exhibition company, covering. The company serves more than 48 theaters with 331 screens, including five IMAX®, four 'Extra' and the new extra large 'Xtreme' screen theater. According to records of 2012, the company approximately 1600 employees throughout Canada.

Avalon Nanaimo Facilities

Avalon Nanaimo provides various facilities which enhance the level and Comfort of entertainment like Located in Woodgrove Shopping Center, Birthday Parties, Corporate Screenings & Events, Pretzelmaker, Onsite Parking, Real D 3D and Wheelchair Accessible.

Landmark Cinemas Head Office Address:

The head office is located at Suite 100, 14505 Bannister Rd SE
Calgary, Alberta T2X 3J3, Canada.

Landmark Cinemas Head Office Contact Number:

+1-403-262-4255, customers can also contact with head office through this number.

Avalon Nanaimo Address:

The Avalon Nanaimo is located at 6631 North Island Highway, Woodgrove Centre, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 4T7, Canada.

Avalon Nanaimo Theatre Office Number:

+1-250-390-5018, customers can also contact theatre office staff for any problems or queries.

Avalon Nanaimo Number for Movie Information:

+1-250-390-5021, customers can also call at this number for movie information like movie names, movie schedules, latest offers, etc.

Avalon Nanaimo Email-ID:

lcc130-gm@landmarkcinemas.com, for people who want to join the Landmark Cinemas team can contact with the General Manager through this email-id.

Avalon Nanaimo Website:

www.landmarkcinemas.com, an official website of Nanaimo Landmark Cinemas that provides services in digital services.

Social Media Links:

Avalon Nanaimo also holds strong presence over the two social media profiles such as Facebook and Twitter and their respective links are as follows;

Avalon Nanaimo Facebook Page Link:

Avalon Nanaimo Twitter Page Link:

Avalon Nanaimo Address

The address of Avalon Nanaimo is 6631 North Island Highway, Woodgrove Centre, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 4T7, Canada.

Avalon Nanaimo Email Address

The email address of Avalon Nanaimo is lcc130-gm@landmarkcinemas.com.

Avalon Nanaimo Website

The Website of Avalon Nanaimo is www.landmarkcinemas.com.

Avalon Nanaimo Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Avalon Nanaimo is +1-250-390-5018 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Avalon Nanaimo Service Center and Avalon Nanaimo customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Avalon Nanaimo customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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