Ben Sherman Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Ben Sherman is 44 0207 437 2031 .
Ben sherman is a retail store industry. The company provides different type of product which includes shoes, suits and many more items. Ben Sherman was created in 1963. The corporation also offer tailoring and accessories. The company stores located in different regions which include Surrey, Middlesbrough, Bristol and many more. Ben Sherman offer large designs of shoes both men’s and women’s. Ben Sherman manufacturing jackets, tops and many more items. Adrian Ward Rees is Senior Vice President of Merchandising and Commercial Director, Lindsay Dunsmuir is Chief Operating Officer and Mark Maidment is Chief Executive Officer of the corporation. The Ben Sherman corporation product sold in More Than thirty five countries through retailer and distributors. Ben Sherman is product more comfortable and best quality.

Services offered By Ben Sherman

RETURNS POLICY: If the product does not have any fault customers can return any product they have bought from Ben Sherman but it must be in its real and original form within 30 days of the date it was delivered. To take benefit from this return policy customer need to complete, sign and date the returns form. In case if Ben Sherman finds that the product have been used or washed by the customer, they will not give any refund on that particular product. DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS: If a customers thinks that the product is defective which he purchased from Ben Sherman. Customer can return that particular item to the company and will get refund for the price he paid for that product.

Career At Ben Sherman

Ben Sherman is a multi national brand with a commitment to producing fresh, innovative collections every season. Ben Sherman is always looking to hire talented and passionate individuals to join their team. One can find a full list of current vacancies, which starts from store management to print design and creative to accounts here: Ben Sherman is one of the most exciting places to be right now.

Contact Ben Sherman

Customers can contact Ben Sherman through following means:
customer service number of Ben Sherman : 44 0207 437 2031
Alternate Number: 44 20 7812 5300
Fax Number: 44 20 7812 5301
Email id of Ben Sherman :
Official Website:
Address detail of Ben Sherman : 49 Long Acre London WC2E, United Kingdom

Ben Sherman Address

The address of Ben Sherman is 49 Long Acre London WC2E, United Kingdom.

Ben Sherman Email Address

The email address of Ben Sherman is

Ben Sherman Website

The Website of Ben Sherman is

Ben Sherman Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ben Sherman is 44 0207 437 2031 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ben Sherman Service Center and Ben Sherman customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Ben Sherman customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Ben Sherman Phone Number Customer Service

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Ben Sherman Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Andrew Hogg CallsJun 27, 2016

Good Afternoon
I bought a pair of Ben Sherman shoes a year ago, the stitching on one of the shoes has come apart. I never complain, but I have only had six months wear out of them as I am offshore the other six months of the year. If you could advise me of what help I can get to resolve this problem that would be great. What ever decision you make I will continue to purchase from Ben Sherman as this is the first problem with anything in over 20 years. Best Regards
Captain Andrew Hogg .

Customer care male
Mr. John Sands CallsJan 08, 2016

Mr. John Sands On Phone To Ben Sherman Service
I have purchased a three pack of socks before xmas and the first paif of socks have got holes already in the toes

What are able to offer ? I purchased them at Carnaby Street.

Customer care user complaints