Boise Idaho Dmv Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Boise Idaho Dmv is (208) 334-8000 / +1-(208)-334-4443 .
DMV or Department Of Motor Vehicles is a government agency which is controlled by State government of Idaho. The department provides a wide range services related to drivers license renewal, getting a learners permit, license plate renewal, issuing of drivers licenses, registration of automobiles and many more. Idaho Dmv was established in the year 1974 and is based in Boise, Idaho, United States. Department of Motor Vehicles has several branch offices which are located in Connecticut, Idaho, Alaska, Nebraska, New York and Indiana. The agency offers a large number of online services including Schedule a Road Test Online, Online Registration Renewal, Renew Driver License or ID by MAIL, Address Change, Driving Records by Mail or Fax, Personalized Plates, Notice of Sale Pending. The Corporate office of the DMV is located in California, United States.

Contact Address of Boise Idaho Dmv

In order to get connected with the Boise Idaho Dmv, users can use the below offered contacts as:
Idaho Transportation Department
3311 W. State Street P.O. Box 7129
Boise, ID 83707-1129
Tel: (208) 334-8000 / +1-(208)-334-4443
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday - 8:00am to 5:00pm

Transportation Board of Boise Idaho Dmv

In order to get the details of the board of Boise Idaho Dmv, customers can use the below offered contacts as:
Jerry Whitehead, Chairman: 334-8808
Jim Coleman, Vice Chairman: 762-4704
Julie DeLorenzo: 703-4348
Lee Gagner: 529-0700
Dwight Horsch: 221-4765
Jim Kempton: 673-6261
Jan Vassar: 743-5093
Executive Assistant to the Board: 334-8808

Divisional Contacts of Boise Idaho Dmv

For the divisional details of Boise Idaho Dmv, users can dial the given numbers as:
Administration: 334-8839
Aeronautics: 334-8775
Highways: 334-8839
Transportation Performance: 334-8281

Human Resources Contacts of Boise Idaho Dmv

For the info of the human resources of the Boise Idaho Dmv, users can use the below offered contacts as:
Manager: 334-8266
Chief Human Resource Officer: 334-8010
Human Resources Program Manager: 334-8870
Technical Records Specialist: 334-4442
Training and Development Manager: 334-8496
Safety and Risk Management Program Manager: 334-8038

Boise Idaho Dmv Address

The address of Boise Idaho Dmv is 3311 W. State Street, PO Box 7129 Boise, Idaho, 83707-1129, United States.

Boise Idaho Dmv Website

The Website of Boise Idaho Dmv is

Boise Idaho Dmv Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Boise Idaho Dmv is (208) 334-8000 / +1-(208)-334-4443 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Boise Idaho Dmv Service Center and Boise Idaho Dmv customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Boise Idaho Dmv customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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