Mr. Garfield Brady On Phone To CarMd Service
I wish i could speak with a live person because i have an account issue and i cant get it solved. I registered with an email which i no longer use plus i do not have the password for that account. Now i registered with a new email address, but the tool is not compatible with the new account. The original account was under
Mr. Garfield Brady On Phone To CarMd Service
I lost my email i sign up with and now i am not able to log in what do i do.
I called the CarMd technical support number, but cannot talk to a human voice. It is all automated. This is very frustrating.
Mr. Wes On Phone To CarMd Service
Why you do not give me a phone number where as I can speak with a LIVE person?!?! I've CarMD for a few years now. I haven't used it in over a year. I am supposed to be able to use it on a certain number of cars per year, but your site is telling me that I have to pay $20. 00? What is going on here?!?! I have another car and I need to find out where to attach the unit. Your current site doesn't have any of this information.
Mr. Larry Pierce On Phone To CarMd Service
When i purchase my carmd i was happy about it now that i have it when i need to talk to some one all i get is a machine h=that steady talk, but cannot answer no question for me i love my carmd, but i want to talk to a person who might can help me with my problem.