Croydon Council Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Croydon Council is 020 8726 6000 .
The Croydon Council is the local government authority of London Borough of Croydon. London Borough of Croydon is divided into 24 electoral wards. The Croydon Council has 70 councillors, and local elections are held after every four years. The council is responsible for maintaining roads, street, sewerage and such other social utilities. Besides this, it also takes care of public parks, Public health, unemployment in the region. The Croydon Council is the headed by Mayor. London Borough of Croydon is located in Greater London, England. It was incorporated on 1 April 1965. Total area of London Borough of Croydon is 34 square miles and it has total population of 364,800 people.

The Croydon Council General enquiries lines are open from 09:00am - 05:00pm, Monday-Friday.

Contact Details of Croydon Council

Existing and potential consumers provides their feedback, advice and suggestions about the Croydon Council and about its products and amenities via the assistance of contact details. Furthermore, consumers can fetch more information about an organization and also its products and privileges through the help of contact details that are mentioned below as:

Contact to Croydon Council
Address: London Borough of Croydon,
Taberner House, Park Lane, Croydon,
CR9 3JS, United Kingdom
Telephone: 020 8726 6000

Career Opportunities at Croydon Council

A wide range of career opportunities have been facilitated by the Croydon Council in various areas to the talented and passionate aspirants. In addition to this, Croydon Council is a great place of working renders various advantages packages and also organizes many training and development programs in order to make them well specialized in their related fields. Know more about career opportunities at Croydon Council, feel free to follow the mentioned link that is:

Croydon Council Address

The address of Croydon Council is London Borough of Croydon, Taberner House, Park Lane, Croydon, CR9 3JS, United Kingdom.

Croydon Council Email Address

The email address of Croydon Council is

Croydon Council Website

The Website of Croydon Council is

Croydon Council Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Croydon Council is 020 8726 6000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Croydon Council Service Center and Croydon Council customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Croydon Council customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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