Ms. Jeannine Glen On Phone To Frito Lay Canada Service
My family always buys lay's classic chips. I opened the bag and your chips were stale. Seal number is 060410 017715. I have to admit that i was very disappointed. Bag size was 255g. Date said for fresh until fe 24 to ma 8. Today is only March 27. Just bought it at the superstore on lasalle Sudbury. Contacted the store and they said that if i had a complaint to do it to you. So here i am. It is not expired otherwise i would not of bought it. Just thought you should know. I would hate to have to go to another brand. MY ADDRESS IS BOX 285 WAHNAPITAE, ONTARIO P0M 3CO CANADA. THANK YOU.
Ms. Anne Kossatz On Phone To Frito Lay Canada Service
I recently purchased the family size salt and vinegar Lays, made the week of May 19, 3083 150-48. 37. 23. 59 )not sure if that tells you anything about the manufacturing) I found the chips had a very different taste, in fact an after taste, that left a taste in my mouth, and did not make me want to eat more. I wanted to bring this to your attention in case there was something that you changed or your suppliers changed. I hope this is not going to be the new norm for the taste because if so, I will not be purchasing them again.