Howard Johnson Inn Sarnia Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Howard Johnson Inn Sarnia is +1 519-541-9400 / 1-800-544-9881 .
Howard Johnson Inn Sarina is a hotel offers the facilities of bar, lounge, conference halls, meeting rooms, high speed Internet access across the hotel. In addition to this, All Rooms of Howard Johnson Inn Sarina Hotel are equipped with a 32-inch flat screen TV, microwave, refrigerator, a work desk, etc. Howard Johnson Inn Sarina provides four types of bedrooms: 1 Double Bed Single Room, 2 Double Beds Room, 1 King Bed Room and 1 King Bed Hot Tub Suite. Howard Johnson is the chain of over 1000 hotels and two restaurants which are located in the United States and Canada. Howard Johnson is a division of the Wyndham Worldwide, a publicly held hospitality company based in the United States. Howard Johnson began by Howard Deering Johnson in the year 1925 with the opening of its first restaurant in Quincy, Massachusetts. The first Howard Johnson hotel was opened in 1954 in Savannah, Georgia.

Howard Johnson Inn Sarnia

  • 24-hour front desk
  • Bar
  • BBQ facilities
  • Business center
  • Currency exchange
  • Express check-in/check-out
  • Facilities for disabled guests
  • Laundry service
  • Meeting facilities
  • Pets allowed
  • Restaurant
  • Smoking area
  • Vending machine

Howard Johnson Inn Sarnia Phone Numbers

In order get assisted by the customer service representatives, interested persons is being appealed to make use of the following contact numbers:

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Howard Johnson Inn Sarnia Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

No complaints and reviews so far for Howard Johnson Inn Sarnia.To add review or complaint against Howard Johnson Inn Sarnia Click Here.
We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Howard Johnson Inn Sarnia. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Howard Johnson Inn Sarnia will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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