Nuance Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Nuance is +1-800-654-1187 / +1-781-565-5000 / +1-781-565-5001 .
Nuance originally known as Nuance Communications, Inc. is an American multinational computer software technology company that is engaged in the business of development of computer softwares and software products. Their prime business is development of speech and imaging applications. Their product range includes telephone call steering systems, automated telephone directory services, optical character recognition softwares, medical transcription software and systems, and desktop imaging softwares, dictation systems, file converter softwares, radiology solutions, managed print services, embedded systems and many others.

Nuance was created in the year 1992 as 'Visioneer'. In the year 1996, the company introduced its 1st commercial large-scale speech application. In September 2005, the company combined with ScanSoft Inc., which resulted in the adoption of the company name to Nuance. The company operates worldwide with number of regional offices in more than 39 countries. The company specializes in delivering innovative and high quality voice and data solutions to a large number of consumers which includes businesses such as healthcare, automobile, financial, construction, education, insurance and government agencies. In addition to this business Nuance owns a separate division which does the same job of software and system development for military and government agencies.

Nuance Headquarter Contacts

For the details of headquarter of Nuance, customers can use the below offered contacts as:
Tel: 781-565-5000
Fax: 781-565-5001
Nuance Sales: 781-565-5000

Media Contacts of Nuance

For the media details of the Nuance, customers can use the below offered contacts which includes as:
Mobile-Consumer, Dragon Desktop
Rebecca Paquette: 781 565-5264

Nuance Healthcare
Ann Joyal: 781 565-4155

Nuance Imaging (Print Management, Scanning Workflow and Document Conversion Solutions)
Kelby Troutman: 781 791-8935

Nuance Enterprise (Customer Service Solutions)
Erica Hill: 781 565-4541

For International Media Contacts:
Vanessa Richter - EMEA: +32 9 239 8031
Heath Wilson - APAC: +61 409 252 010
Karen Raccani - APAC: +61 294 34 2343

Investor Contacts of Nuance

For the investor details of the Nuance, customers can contact the below offered officers as:
For Press and Investors
Richard Mack, Vice President, Corporate Marketing
Tel: 781-565-5000
Transfer Agent: 818 502-1404

Nuance Address

The address of Nuance is 1 Wayside Road, Burlington, Massachusetts 01803, United States.

Nuance Website

The Website of Nuance is

Nuance Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Nuance is +1-800-654-1187 / +1-781-565-5000 / +1-781-565-5001 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Nuance Service Center and Nuance customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Nuance customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Nuance Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Natividad Rolon CallsOct 05, 2017

Ms. Natividad Rolon On Phone To Nuance Service
Hi I live in Puerto Rico which was recently by Hurricane Maria. My descktop is giving me some problems. So I had to buy a laptop to do my work, which is in the insurance business. I need to program my computer to access my records in Ppaperport. My order number is 8981419504. I have been told that my time to reprogram has expired and tried to get me to phone number 888-372-1108 so that they could extend my time and program my laptop. But the call could not be realized because of the problems we are having with our communications. I need to process many insurance claims and this computer and your programs are essential for me to get the scanned records of our clients. Please HELP
Thank you, Nati.

Customer care male
Mr. Robert Robinson CallsJun 05, 2018

Mr. Robert Robinson On Phone To Nuance Service
I have Dragon Naturally Speaking Premium on a laptop with windows ten installed. I use it for Word documents, but today the dictation is not working, possibly because of another program (a game, not related to speech recognition) which I installed on my laptop). Please advise me how to get Dragon working again.

Customer care male
Mr. Raul M. Calderon CallsSep 16, 2017

Several hours ago I purchased a product for $500. 00 plus tax. I purchased it so I can download it immediately and use it. I have not received the email promised with the download link. I am very disappointed as I wanted to use it immediately. Therefore, I wish to cancel my order. I notice Nuance has posted the charge to my credit card and its pending. Remove the charge, refund me all my money. I cannot trust Nuance when it charges my credit card, but does not deliver what I bought. Nor can I even contact Nuance since your offices are closed. Cancel my order, refund me my money. Please write me and give me a number where I can talk to a real person so I can give you my order number and get this transaction cancelled. According to the terms of purchase I had 30 days to cancel the order. Well I am cancelling on day 1. Thank you.

Customer care male
Mr. D K Bhatt CallsApr 26, 2018

Mr. D K Bhatt On Phone To Nuance Service
Sir, I have purchased Power PDF Advance 2. 1. It is not working on Windows 8. 1. My email ID is

Customer care user complaints