Mr. Kevin Abston On Phone To PSNH Service
You shut off my electricity on 05/11/17
I had a shut off notice, to pay on or before 5/11/17
I paid the balance in full on 5/08/17
1 day before leaving to work out of state. I returned this morning to water on my floor and over $100. 00 worth of spoiled food because the refrigerator has been off for 15 + days. I paid the bill in full in cash using a Walmart next day post payment service. I need my power back on today
Please call me @ 978-251-2211
My billing address is 210 brook village road 43
Nashua New Hampshire
My name is Kevin Abston
I'm not happy right now. Please send someone to turn my electricity back on today.
Ms. Alanna On Phone To PSNH Service
I live at 61 hillside drive in Greenland NH. We have a street light across the street from my house that has not worked in a very long time. The numbers on pole are 29 two two if that helps any. We have had break ins in our neighborhood last few weeks and few other issues so due to that I was hoping you can get it up and running thank you very much. Alanna graham if you need to contact me my number is 603 479 7429 thanks
Do not hold your breath they do not care about anything.