Videotron Montreal Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Videotron Montreal is +1-514 380-7000, +1-866-380-2967, +1-514-281-1711 .


Vidéotron GP is Nationwide company which plays a significant role in telecommunication industry in Canada. The company is engaged in providing complete variety of telecoms services such as cable telephony, wireless communication, broadband internet services and much more. Besides this, the company offers various digital services like interactive multimedia development, cable television services and others. The company is well known as the first cable television network in Northern Montreal. The company has strong network with service providers and retail stores across the country and one of them is situated in Montreal, Canada. In addition, the company operates customer care center for solving customer queries on its products and provides information on them. Previously the company offers cable television services at some international locations in countries like the United Kingdom, Africa and the United States. For more information related to this company, visit on its official website.


The establishment of Vidéotron GP has been laid in the year 1964. The company started its business as first cable company in northern Montreal with the name of Telecable Videotron Ltee. The corporate office of Vidéotron GP is situated in Montreal, Quebec, Canada to control all kinds of business operations. The company works as one of the wholly owned company of Québecor Media Incorporation. Québecor Media is Pioneer media company based in Canada which offers cable television and broadcasting services etc. Québecor Media was unfolded in the year 2000.

Videotron Montreal Address

The address of Videotron Montreal is 612, rue Saint-Jacques, 4e etage Montreal, Quebec H3C 4M8, Canada.

Videotron Montreal Website

The Website of Videotron Montreal is

Videotron Montreal Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Videotron Montreal is +1-514 380-7000, +1-866-380-2967, +1-514-281-1711 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Videotron Montreal Service Center and Videotron Montreal customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Videotron Montreal customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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