Your Light beer is exceptional and the only light beer that I know of on the market with a distinct, but slight lager/'dark' taste. I have never seen Yuengling light offered in a bar/restaurant down here in Georgia, only the regular brand. Also, the Kroger stores that I shop at only carry 12 pack and not 24 pack Light brand-and that is more expensive. On the bright side, I now do my beer shopping at Dobbins Air Reserve Base which does carry your light brand in 24 Pack??. Keep up the Light Brand.
Ms. Caryl Dafforn On Phone To Yuengling Service
I am so disappointed with your TV commercial now airing in Indiana. "Damn good beer" sends a message that cursing is acceptable. Not a word was said about drinking responsibly either. We have certainly lowered our standards. What's next?.
Mr. Gary Moore On Phone To Yuengling Service
Need someone to give me a call about your product. 404-390-6179.
Mr. David Hankins On Phone To Yuengling Service
Bought a 12 pack and one of the bottles was empty and had the cap on secure however when I picked it up the bottom fell out and I had shattered glass (tiny slivers) everywhere. 863-513-0153.
Hello. I live in Michigan so an unable to purchase my favorite beer “Yuengling” in my state? Must go to Ohio to purchase????????? Yesterday I drank a bottle of Yuengling during which time noticed my hand was bleeding? Not to concerned until I another finger was bleeding? Looking the Yuengling bottle over I found, on the back of the bottle on the letter “ F “ on raised words
“FAMILY OPERATED”, a razor sharp edge which caused the lacerations to my hands
I would appreciate your feedback as to this being a unique incident or an ongoing problem I still have the empty bottle
Thank you for your indulgence, Bruce Lannon .
The customer service is not always the best, but today was the worst. I am a regular at the Exxon because of how convenient it is this gas station is walking distance from my house. Today I purchase a 12 pack of Yuengling and some wine. As I was getting the beer out of my car the handle ripped because the was damp and the beers shattered. I immediately grabbed a bag to Secure what was left. I immediately went back to the gas station to let them know so they could secure the rest of the product to prevent this from happening again. Maria Smith was far from understanding. She refused to give me an exclamation for why they couldn't replace or exchange my beer. She also said that she spoke with the manger, but would not tell me what said either, yet she kept bringing up a policy that was not posted anywhere in the store.
I bought a case of Yuengling beer (traditional lager) this weekend as I do every weekend and there were several bottles that had crooked caps that needed a church key to take it off. There was also no air sound when the cap was removed and the bottles were not filled all the way. The number on the bottom of the bottles is 365 B5 14:26 if you need to check this machine.
Hello my name is Dean Hyatt from Kernersville North Carolina I bought a 12 pack of Yuengling Light bottles a couple days ago from a local Walmart I got cut after 0pening one with a bottle opener. The top of the bottle is still in the capital. I'm a loyal customer, but not after this.
Can you provide a beer distributor in or near Lancaster, South Carolina that carries Yuengling porter?.
Mr. Robert Honeywell On Phone To Yuengling Service
New packaging, I opened a case of lager today (purchased yesterday) and found a shattered bottle in the middle. The new packaging has no separators.
I just read that Mr. Yuengling is a supporter of "Right To Work" efforts in PA. I have been drinking Yuengling all of my adult life. And have spent many a dollar on Yuengling. But not anymore. Anyone who supports Right To Work legislation is anti-working man and truly only interested in lining their pockets at the expense of his employees. I am not affiliated with a union, but have witnessed first hand the effects of such legislation. Bob Mack.