Mr. Kd Sands On Phone To No Frills Service
Hello I just left NF 372 Pacific Ave. In Toronto where Campbells Garlic chicken broth $1. 69 was sold out and requested a rain chq. I was given one where the quantity said “one” and immediately thought it was an error and requested four (what has always been the case with other stores). I was told this is the amount they give. I have never heard of this before. Could you clarify the policy? Thank you.
Wondering who I speak to about being 'denied' my PC Points during a purchase at my local No Frills this morning. Upon arriving at the cashier and offering up my PC MasterCard to obtain my almost 15, 000 points for today's purchase I was informed that as of three am the store would no be offering points today. I was tempted to just leave my groceries at the cashier and leave. I had specifically shopped today and spent more than usual to gain 12, 500 bonus points--purchasing many items that could have waited for a future date. Not please to say the least. How do I go about getting these points? I have the receipt handy.
Mr. Vic On Phone To No Frills Service
Do you know that stocking system is not real time? It is as of morning. It is often wrong. I asked for PCO potatoes. System showed it is in stock at 17 Leslie. I asked customer serVic e supervisor Alex to call and confirm. He refused. He would only give out phone numbers. Finally, I convinced him to call and check himself. And. They did not have it in stock. How is this for system accuracy and customer serVic e? How many stars or percentage of satisfaction should I report ? I had to encourage them to do something about this shortage and finally I was told that case 1835684 has been created. But they did not want to give me case number or kept giving me partial number for case of PCO potato availability shortage.
I have a photo of the fat i cut off a 2. 8lb of supposedly fresh cut featherbones i want to send you. There was not one strip of featherbones in the package. And disgustingly nothing, but small cutoff pieces of pork something, some not big enough to stay on grill grates. 8months ago it was great looking hamburger on outside and grayish brown smelly on inside. This is last time i will ever go to plattsmouth nofrills for anything. Shame on you, No Frills and shame on you neighborhood butcher for even putting this stuff on your shelf.
Ms. Jan On Phone To No Frills Service
Saw ham on special 1. 00 a pound. Went in on Sunday to get my groceries and was told they were sold out on Saturday. I was told to come back Monday as the truck with the order would be in Monday morning. I arrive at the store in the morning go to the meat department, no ham. Spoke to store personal and was told the warehouse shorted the order and no hams came in further more there would be no hams in (cooks) for the rest of the sale. This is not the first time this has happened to me. I try to support local, but it appears head office does not understand the market response to sale items if you do not live in Toronto. Why do they keep shorting our local store.
Ms. S. Fitzpatreck On Phone To No Frills Service
Stephes's Nofrlls High River, AB. His wife is rude, even obnoxious to customers. I know some of their employees who only whisper that they are mean and vindictive towards them for little to reason. I have witnessed their mistreatment on two ocasions. I only shop there now when I have to, even then it's a quick in and out. 403 649 2404. ZS27.