Russell Hobbs Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Russell Hobbs is +44 0845 658 9700, 0345 658 9700 .
Russell Hobbs is a British multinational company that is in the business of manufacturing and sales of electrical goods and home appliances. The product portfolio of Russell Hobbs contains a large range of products ranging from kitchen appliances such as electric kettles, coffee machines, toasters, electric hobs, bread makers, irons, food processors, vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, choppers, juicers, water filtration pitchers, oaster ovens, automatic juice extractors, cooking products, home appliances and other household and consumer goods. The company is based in the United Kingdom and is originally known as Russell Hobbs, Inc.. It operate as a subsidiary company of Spectrum Brands, an American diversified company.

Russell Hobbs History

Russell Hobbs started their business operations in the year 1952. It is a privately held company that sell their products through a strong network of distributors, dealers, electrical goods retailers and shopping websites. Since their inception, the company had introduced number of products and own the credit of their introduction. Like its electric kettle K1 that was also world first, designed in October 1955 and used a bi-metallic strip at the rear of the kettle. In the year 1997, Russell Hobbs Inc launched an electrical kettle named Millennium kettle that used a special flat OPTEC element and the specialty of this products is that it boils the water in half the time as compared to other electric kettles. The corporate office of the company is situated in Failsworth, Greater Manchester.

Corporate Office of Russell Hobbs:

Fir Street, Oldham Road, Failsworth, Oldham, M35 0HS, England, United Kingdom
Russell Hobbs is a multinational company with operations in different countries of the world and hold their headquarters in the United Kingdom.

Contact Number of Russell Hobbs:

+44 0845 658 9700
Russell Hobbs can be contacted through phone on the given number for queries and complaints.

Website of Russell Hobbs:
The detailed information about Russell Hobbs company can be obtained through its official website where all the relevant details like products information, dealer locations is listed.

Facebook Page of Russell Hobbs:
Russell Hobbs company can also be contacted through its official Facebook page.

Twitter Handle of Russell Hobbs:
Russell Hobbs can be followed on the popular social networking website Twitter.

The timings of the customer service are Monday to Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Russell Hobbs Address

The address of Russell Hobbs is Fir Street, Oldham Road, Failsworth, Oldham, M35 0HS, England, United Kingdom.

Russell Hobbs Website

The Website of Russell Hobbs is

Russell Hobbs Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Russell Hobbs is +44 0845 658 9700, 0345 658 9700 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Russell Hobbs Service Center and Russell Hobbs customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Russell Hobbs customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Russell Hobbs Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Tina Wong CallsNov 27, 2022

Ms. Tina Wong On Phone To Russell Hobbs Service
Bought a polished kettle, (metal one) Every one got burnt when using it to boil water. The kettle gets to boiling point and stays hot for a while. Unless you have plenty space on your work top to move it away when using it. It’s very, and often get burnt when working around it
The last I have was plastic. No problem at all
Metal one is dangerous

Customer care male
Mr. Behzad Gozlou CallsFeb 16, 2018

Mr. Behzad Gozlou On Phone To Russell Hobbs Service
I have a kettle and glass tea pot RHTT8W. The glass tea pot broke how And where can I I get a glass tea pot only I live in Houston Texas USA.

Customer care male
Mr. Behzad Gozlou CallsFeb 16, 2018

Mr. Behzad Gozlou On Phone To Russell Hobbs Service
Hello I have a RHTT8W kettle -tea pot my glass tea pot broke how can I replace that ?i live in Houston Texas.

Customer care male
Mr. Keith Mcindoe CallsAug 11, 2017

Mr. Keith Mcindoe On Phone To Russell Hobbs Service
Russel Hobbs Kettle - Health and Safety issue. - Dear Sirs
I purchased a new R. H. Kettle several months ago. I have used RH kettles for some 50 years, without problem. THIS kettle has FLAKED the black paint / or whatever covering, from the internal bottom of the kettle. The local water is 'Hard' (i. E. Calcium deposits etc), but WITH JUST a'SWISHING'(not SCRAPING) of the residue in the kettle, the black FLAKES are readily discernible, amid the whitish calcium, leaving the bright aluminium metal of the inner bottom of the kettle, shining through. For the past few weeks, I have collected this deposit through a fine mesh sieve. I have also taken a couple of photos of the inside of the kettle. I am unsure as to whom I should send this record :
(1)Russel Hobbs Labs. ?(2)S. West Water Board Labs ? or(3) H and S. Authority
Please advise earliest. Thanks : Keith Mcindoe , 'Willow End', Byes Lane. Sidford. Devon. EX10 9QX
(E-mail : berketh@tiscali. Co. Uk.

Customer care male
Mr. David Haworth CallsDec 16, 2017

Mr. David Haworth On Phone To Russell Hobbs Service
I bought a 16cm pan costing £7. 99 on two March 2017 from B and M Bargains Accrington. This had a guarantee for five years and as the rivets on the handle have come loose (photo attached). I would like to claim under this guarantee. I have the till receipt as evidence of purchase Photo attached). Please advise me of how I need to proceed.

Customer care female
Ms. Kirti CallsJul 04, 2016

Ms. Kirti On Phone To Russell Hobbs Service
PLS help me find a repair centre in Delhi India. My smoothie maker has stopped working. Its been less than a year i bought it from london.

Customer care female
Ms. Kirti CallsJul 04, 2016

Ms. Kirti On Phone To Russell Hobbs Service
My smoothie maker has stopped working and its not even been an year, don know what to do cant find a repair centre in Delhi India, .

Customer care female
Ms. Rita Mehta CallsApr 20, 2016

Ms. Rita Mehta On Phone To Russell Hobbs Service
Igot a mixer grinder and juicer from HTPACE last year. I started using only few days back. Today i used it for grinding, suddenly it stop working that is the jar became free. Please help me in getting repaired or changed. Mobile number 9811991568.

Customer care female
Ms. Roshni Bihani CallsMar 13, 2016


I have bought the suspended steam iron (RGS160M) in Sep 2015. Ever since, the iron has not functioned correctly. I have tried following instructions in the manual to clean out the device (though not sure why it should be done on a brand new device). I have also tried reaching out to Russell Hobbs multiple times on the number provided -, but have received no response whatsoever. Am extremely dissatified with the product, even more so with the deplorable service. I reside in Mumbai - let me know if you have an authorized service centre/dealer who I can get in touch with here. Hopefully someone responsible in the organization will read this feedback and atleast grace me with their response, if nothing else


Customer care male
Mr. Vinayak Kamat CallsJan 13, 2016

Mr. Vinayak Kamat On Phone To Russell Hobbs Service
We are purchased your toaster, but this not working properly so please. Arrange your service engineer. This is warranty period. Cumballa Hill Hospital and Heart Institute
93/95 August kranti marg Mumbai 400036
phone 022 23803336 or 23888621.

Customer care female
Ms. Jasleen Kohli CallsNov 19, 2015

Hello. I am Jasleen Kohli from Lucknow, India and I have a complain regarding the steam iron of Russell Hobbs which I have. As we start ironing our clothes the water starts dripping all over and we can iron our clothes. I had try contacting the Delhi branch, but it was no help as there is no service centre in Lucknow. So if you can please contact and help us ASAP Thank you Jasleen 9554111178 9415008660.

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