Sprint Abington Pa Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Sprint Abington Pa is +1 215-830-8777 .
Abington Communications Llc is a privately held company and also known as one of the authorized service centers of leading telecommunication company Sprint Corporation. The Sprint Service Center provides all technical support and services with complete solutions related to all type of Sprint mobile phones and others. Besides this, the service center also provides wireless communication services etc.

As of 2014 the establishment of the Abington Communications Llc has been done before four years. Abington Communications Llc also sells all kind of sprint equipments in the serving areas.

Sprint Corporation is mostly known as the Sprint, an American based company which is engaged in telecommunications sector. The world-class and fine quality products provided by Sprint Corporation are Internet services, wireless and communication services, smart-phones and much more. The company has become the biggest long distance services providing companies across the Country. The company's all products and services are available in various locations which includes Puerto Rico, United States Virgin Islands and United States. As of 2014 session, the company employs with thirty eight thousand people (38,000). In the year 2011, the company received “Ability Best Practice Award” for the world-class and innovative implementation of Video Relay Services.

Sprint Corporation began its journey in the year 1899 with the name of Brown Telephone Company through the efforts of its founders Cleyson Brown and Jacob Brown. The administrative office of this corporation is situated in Overland Park, Kansas, United States which performs all types of business operations. Sprint Corporation is completely owned and operated by the SoftBank Corporation. The company operates various wholly owned companies which includes Nextel Communications and Sprint Communications, Incorporation etc.

Sprint Abington Pa Address

The address of Sprint Abington Pa is 1751 Old York Rd, Abington, PA 19001, United States.

Sprint Abington Pa Website

The Website of Sprint Abington Pa is www.sprint.com.

Sprint Abington Pa Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Sprint Abington Pa is +1 215-830-8777 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Sprint Abington Pa Service Center and Sprint Abington Pa customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Sprint Abington Pa customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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