Ajanta Clock Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ajanta Clock is +(91)-(80)-22285855, 41142361, 09448090903 .
Ajanta Associates Private Limited is well-known as Ajanta in an Indian market. Ajanta is a leading firm with Nationwide position which is engaged in marketing, sales and services in various business segments such as time products, consumer electronics, home appliances and much more. The company has a strong network with sales offices and service points across India.

Ajanta Associates Private Limited brings complete range of supirier quality products such as simple clocks, picture clocks, musical pendulum, table and alarm locks, calculators, stoves, fans, electric kettles, and much more. Besides this, Ajanta is engaged in providing maintenance and repair services with 100% satisfactions related to all its products through service points in India.

Ajanta Associates has been operating since 1989. In the year 2002, the company changed its corporate name from Ajanta Associates to Ajanta Associates Private Limited. The company is one of the leading wholly owned company of the Ajanta Group. The company performs all kinds of business segments from the headquarters that is situated in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. The Corresponding services of Ajanta Clock service center are Ajanta Clocks models, Ajanta Clock online and Ajanta Digital clock.

Ajanta Clock Address

The address of Ajanta Clock is No. 301, 1st Floor, Khaleel Building, Chickpet, P. O. Box, No. 7997, Bangalore, Karnataka 560 053, India..

Ajanta Clock Website

The Website of Ajanta Clock is info@ajantaworld.com.

Ajanta Clock Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ajanta Clock is +(91)-(80)-22285855, 41142361, 09448090903 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ajanta Clock Service Center and Ajanta Clock customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Ajanta Clock customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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