Ajanta Clocks Chennai Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ajanta Clocks Chennai is +91-44-25353203 .
Ajanta is officially called as Ajanta Associates, is an India based company having main office in Bengaluru, Karnataka. The company has been providing marketing, sales and services in several products categories including time products, electronics products, consumer products, E-Bikes, mobile devices and home appliances since 1989. Ajanta Associates is a company of the Ajanta group of companies.

Ajanta is best known for its wide range of time products which include wall clocks, digital clocks, picture clocks, table clocks and alarms, tower clocks etc. Besides this, the company has also a well-renowned name mobile sector. Ajanta has introduced dozens model of touch screen phones, qwerty phones and Dual sim phones in Indian mobile market. Its additional broad range of products include calculators, telephones, Edu Toys, Emergency LED lights, Industrial and Commercial Lighting, Cables and wires, Modular switches and accessories, sandwich toasters, snack makers, induction stoves, fans, electric kettles, element heaters etc.

Glob Watch Company is a repair and service center for time products such as wall clocks, table clocks and alarms and digital clocks. The service center provides watch repair services for several watch brands include Ajanta, Samay, Shetra etc. It is located in Park Town, Chennai.

Ajanta Clocks Chennai Address

The address of Ajanta Clocks Chennai is Glob Watch Co., 22, Devaraja Mudali Street, Park Town, Chennai 600003, Tamil Nadu, India.

Ajanta Clocks Chennai Website

The Website of Ajanta Clocks Chennai is www.ajantaworld.com.

Ajanta Clocks Chennai Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ajanta Clocks Chennai is +91-44-25353203 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ajanta Clocks Chennai Service Center and Ajanta Clocks Chennai customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Ajanta Clocks Chennai customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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