Brown Mackie College North Canton Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Brown Mackie College North Canton is 330.494.1214 .
Brown Mackie College in North Canton is a private for profit institution situated on Munson Street, Northwest Canton, Ohio, United States. Peter Perkowski is the present president of the Brown Mackie College in North Canton. It is licensed by the Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and Schools. The college provides diploma programs in criminal justice, practical nursing, accounting, business, paralegal assistant, medical assistant, computer-aided design and drafting technician. The North Canton has more than 73 faculty members and 2,398 students. The Brown Mackie College in North Canton was set up as the National Electronics Institute in the year of 1980. The facilities which are provided by the college to its students i.e. spacious classrooms, Instructional equipments, LANs, printers, LCD projectors, laboratories, a reception area, faculty and student lounges. The address and contact number of Brown Mackie College North Canton is also used for Brown Mackie College North Canton student portal, Brown Mackie College North Canton reviews, Brown Mackie College nursing, Brown Mackie College joke and Brown Mackie College north canton main campus.
Fax No: 330-494-8112

Brown Mackie College North Canton Address

The address of Brown Mackie College North Canton is 4300 Munson Street, Northwest Canton, Ohio, United States.

Brown Mackie College North Canton Email Address

The email address of Brown Mackie College North Canton is

Brown Mackie College North Canton Website

The Website of Brown Mackie College North Canton is

Brown Mackie College North Canton Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Brown Mackie College North Canton is 330.494.1214 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Brown Mackie College North Canton Service Center and Brown Mackie College North Canton customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Brown Mackie College North Canton customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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