Gmr Infrastructure Limited Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Gmr Infrastructure Limited is +91 80 40432000 .
GMR Group is a private company of construction services that commenced its operations in the year 1978 by Grandhi Mallikarjuna Rao with Agri based industries. It is a fast growing company which has become a public limited company on May 10, 1996. The headquarters of the Gmr Group is located in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. It is a multinational company which has more than 17000 employees. It has various branch offices in multiple countries consisting Singapore, South Africa, Maldives, Indonesia and Turkey. It provides various services in the areas of Airports, Energy, Highways and Urban Infrastructure. It attempts the improvement of the foundation ventures by its different subsidiaries. GMR Group has 6 power generating assets which has total capacity of 836.8 MW. Mr G M Rao is the Chairman of GMR Group. The address and contact number of Gmr Infrastructure Limited is also used for Gmr Infrastructure Limited board of directorsGmr Infrastructure Limited careers, Gmr Infrastructure news, Gmr Infrastructure stock, Gmr Financial statements and Gmr Infra Company profile.

Gmr Infrastructure Limited Address

The address of Gmr Infrastructure Limited is IBC Knowledge Park, Phase 2, D Block, 9th Floor, 4/1, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore - 560029, Karnataka, India.

Gmr Infrastructure Limited Email Address

The email address of Gmr Infrastructure Limited is

Gmr Infrastructure Limited Website

The Website of Gmr Infrastructure Limited is

Gmr Infrastructure Limited Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Gmr Infrastructure Limited is +91 80 40432000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Gmr Infrastructure Limited Service Center and Gmr Infrastructure Limited customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Gmr Infrastructure Limited customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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