Inorbit Mall Pune Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Inorbit Mall Pune is 020 6687 8600 .
Inorbit Mall is a shopping center and one of its branches is located in Pune City of Maharashtra. The mall in Pune was opened in 2011 for public. The mall is spread across 547,000 square feet and designed in such a way so that each and every floor gets a large space for showrooms. The mall parking facility consists of two level underground spaces for cars and two wheelers. The 3 storey tall mall consists of all major clothing brands, international food courts, electronic gadgets showrooms, Book store, kids section, gaming zone and most important cinema theater which draw attentions of most of audience. The mall is a perfect place for shopping and entertainment Point of view. The mall is mostly visited during weekend days by all age of people. The address and contact number of Inorbit Mall Pune is also used for brands in Inorbit Mall Pune, Inorbit Mall Pune ice skating rates, Inorbit Mall Pune timings, Inorbit Mall Pune multiplex and Inorbit Mall Pune movies.

Inorbit Mall Pune Address

The address of Inorbit Mall Pune is 35, Nagar Rd, Someshwar Nagar, Wadgaon Sheri, Pune, Maharashtra 411014, India.

Inorbit Mall Pune Website

The Website of Inorbit Mall Pune is

Inorbit Mall Pune Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Inorbit Mall Pune is 020 6687 8600 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Inorbit Mall Pune Service Center and Inorbit Mall Pune customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Inorbit Mall Pune customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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