Jaquar Bath Fittings Chennai Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Jaquar Bath Fittings Chennai is (044) 66599658 .
Shree Sati Pipe Fittings is one of the service center of Jaquar located at Francis Joseph Sreet, Parrys, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. It provides maintenance services, Onsite plumbing guidelines, Spare part backup and Product warranty. Jaquar is a provider of a wide range of bath fitting products like sanitaryware, shower enclosure, water heaters, concealed cisterns, shower panels, showers, steam cabin, spa etc. It was launched in 1960 by Mr N L Mehra. Jaquar has its headquarters in Gurgaon, Haryana, India. It has its own three manufacturing units with the manufacturing capacity of about 50,000 faucets every day. The units are situated in Delhi and NCR region. The Corresponding services of Jaquar Bath Fittings Chennai service center are Jaquar Bath Fittings service center, Jaquar Bath Fittings customer care, Jaquar Bath Fittings price list and Jaquar Bath Fittings Diverter.

Jaquar Bath Fittings Chennai Address

The address of Jaquar Bath Fittings Chennai is No 10/12, Opp To High Court, Francis Joseph Sreet, Parrys, Chennai - 600001, Tamil Nadu, India.

Jaquar Bath Fittings Chennai Email Address

The email address of Jaquar Bath Fittings Chennai is service@jaquar.com.

Jaquar Bath Fittings Chennai Website

The Website of Jaquar Bath Fittings Chennai is www.jaquar.com.

Jaquar Bath Fittings Chennai Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Jaquar Bath Fittings Chennai is (044) 66599658 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Jaquar Bath Fittings Chennai Service Center and Jaquar Bath Fittings Chennai customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Jaquar Bath Fittings Chennai customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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