Kansas State University Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Kansas State University is +1 785-532-6011 .
The Kansas State University is a Public University that was formed in 1863 as Kansas State Agricultural College. Main campus of the university is located in Manhattan, Kansas, United States. The president of the university is Kirk H. Schulz. The university has nine colleges. It offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in agriculture, architecture, business administration, veterinary medicine, design, arts, sciences, engineering, human ecology, technology, education, aviation and many more. The university has eleven residence halls namely - Haymaker Hall, West Hall, Van Zile Hall, Moore Hall etc. It has more than 24,378 students and 1,275 academic staff. The address and contact number of Kansas State University is also used for Kansas State University ranking, Kansas State University computer science, Kansas State University tuition fee, Kansas State University electrical engineering, Kansas State University ielts requirement, Kansas State University architecture, Kansas State University civil engineering and Kansas State University graduate admissions.

Kansas State University Address

The address of Kansas State University is 119 Anderson Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506, United States.

Kansas State University Email Address

The email address of Kansas State University is k-state@k-state.edu.

Kansas State University Website

The Website of Kansas State University is www.k-state.edu.

Kansas State University Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Kansas State University is +1 785-532-6011 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Kansas State University Service Center and Kansas State University customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Kansas State University customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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