Wellcare of Georgia Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Wellcare of Georgia is 1-866-231-1821 .
WellCare of Georgia offers services to health care programs. Wellcare of Georgia is also known as WellCare Health Plans, Incorporation. It is supported by the government, with a focus on Medicaid and Medicare. WellCare Health Plans, Incorporation was started in 1985. The headquarters of the WellCare Health Plans, Incorporation is situated in Tampa, Florida, United States. Alec Cunningham is the chief executive officer and Charles G. Berg is the executive Chairman of the WellCare Health Plans, Incorporation. Its presence in 14 countries around the world. Approximately 3,500 efficient and skilled employees are working in this company. WellCare Health Plans, Incorporation has many subsidiaries like WellCare, HealthEase, Harmony, Staywell and 'Ohana. The address and contact number of Wellcare of Georgia is also used for Wellcare of Georgia formulary, Wellcare of Georgia provider manual, Wellcare of Georgia provider, Wellcare of Georgia dental coverage, Wellcare of Georgia jobs, Wellcare of Georgia provider list and Wellcare of Georgia over the counter items.

Wellcare of Georgia Address

The address of Wellcare of Georgia is Family Wellcare Center, 4215 Woodruff Road, Columbus, Muscogee, Georgia 31904-6889, United States.

Wellcare of Georgia Website

The Website of Wellcare of Georgia is www.georgia.wellcare.com.

Wellcare of Georgia Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Wellcare of Georgia is 1-866-231-1821 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Wellcare of Georgia Service Center and Wellcare of Georgia customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Wellcare of Georgia customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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