Maybank Kelana Jaya Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Maybank Kelana Jaya is +603-7804 2624. Fax: +603-7804 3354 .
Maybank kelana Jaya is based at selangor city malaysia. Kelana Jaya is known for its wealth of recreational facilities which includes major attractions of that place as kelana jaya Lake park which is known for its greenery beauty and fishing. Than it has a community centre which has facilities like swimming pool, badminton courts, tennis courts etc. There is a newly opened large new shopping mall named Paradigm Mall which has a cinema hall, a Tesco supermarket, retail stores and eateries, a street market nearby. There are many other points of interests where people generally go as kelana mall, alaio pubs, giant hypermarket etc. The transportation structure is also good as there are many trains connecting to the expressways and bus service is also provided. Maybank is located along Jalan in kelana parkview commercial area which provides 24-hour ATM service, loan repayments, public banking, corporate banking and many other services.

Maybank Kelana Jaya Address

The address of Maybank Kelana Jaya is 115-117 Jalan SS 6/2, Ss 6, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

Maybank Kelana Jaya Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Maybank Kelana Jaya is +603-7804 2624. Fax: +603-7804 3354 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Maybank Kelana Jaya Service Center and Maybank Kelana Jaya customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Maybank Kelana Jaya customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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