National Infantry Museum Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of National Infantry Museum is 706-685-5800 .
The National Infantry Museum is the famous museum in Columbus City in United States. The museum is located near Fort Benning. It is the sign of the infantry forces in American army. The National Infantry Museum is established in the area of 190,000 sq. feet and was started in June 2009. Till 2008, the museum was located in old army hospital. National Infantry Foundation was made to collect funds for museum in 1998. The foundation made the partnership with the Army for managing the operations of it. The Museum houses thousands of historic artifacts and attractive exhibits. The National Infantry Museum has more than 300000 visitors annually and had recorded 1,000,000th visitor in April 2012. The address and contact number of National Infantry Museum is also used for National Infantry Museum Hotel, National Infantry Museum Gala, National Infantry Museum Parade Field, National Infantry Museum Restaurant, National Infantry Museum Gift Shop and National Infantry Museum Jobs.

National Infantry Museum Address

The address of National Infantry Museum is National Infantry Museum and Soldier Center, 1775 Legacy Way, Suite 220, Columbus, Georgia 31903 United States.

National Infantry Museum Website

The Website of National Infantry Museum is

National Infantry Museum Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of National Infantry Museum is 706-685-5800 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of National Infantry Museum Service Center and National Infantry Museum customer phone number is given below. The helpline of National Infantry Museum customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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