Riyadh Chamber of Commerce Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Riyadh Chamber of Commerce is +966-11-404-0044, Fax:+966-11-404-0044 .
Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry is stand for RCCI which is governmental organization in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The main purpose of the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry is to make and apply lawful principle and support the private sector in region of Riyadh. It also controls over the export and import activities in the country.

The chamber began Little but a number of aspects led to it quick development. The fact that it is located in the Capital of Saudi Arabia has dual its duties towards the Kingdom’s overall cost-effective, social and governmental welfare through effective assistance of private industry actions and recognition of prospective development places.

The RCCI's foundation came at a time when Riyadh was about to observe an overall renaissance in all industrial, agricultural, commercial, contracting and solutions actions, so that Riyadh would be one of the key investment-attracting facilities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To know more information about the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI), visit on the official website.

Riyadh Chamber of Commerce Address

The address of Riyadh Chamber of Commerce is 6219, Prince Abdulaziz Ibn Musaid Ibn Jalawi, Al Murabba, Riyadh 12626, Saudi Arabia.

Riyadh Chamber of Commerce Email Address

The email address of Riyadh Chamber of Commerce is rdchamber@rdcci.org.sa.

Riyadh Chamber of Commerce Website

The Website of Riyadh Chamber of Commerce is www.riyadhchamber.com.

Riyadh Chamber of Commerce Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Riyadh Chamber of Commerce is +966-11-404-0044, Fax:+966-11-404-0044 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Riyadh Chamber of Commerce Service Center and Riyadh Chamber of Commerce customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Riyadh Chamber of Commerce customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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