Queen University Kingston Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Queen University Kingston is +1 613-533-2000 .
The Queen University of Kingston is an educational institution located in Ontario, Canada. The university offers various Engineering and Applied Science, Health Sciences, Law and Business study etc. These departments offer wide range of courses and subjects which is studied in depth. The university also offers research works for the welfare of people. The university has two campuses one of them is located in urban region and covers 99 acres of land and other is at urban west area covering 67 acres. Many renowned personalities who served nation were the alumni of Queen’s University. The institution was called as Queen's College at Kingston and later changed it to Queen's University after 1912. It is affiliated to 13 major educational Bodies of Canada. The address and contact number of Queen University Kingston is also used for Queens University Kingston Tuition, Queens University Kingston Residence, Queens University Kingston Hall, Queens University Kingston Jobs and Queens University Kingston Ranking.

The fax number of college is 613-533-6810.

Queen University Kingston Address

The address of Queen University Kingston is 99 University Ave Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6, Canada.

Queen University Kingston Email Address

The email address of Queen University Kingston is admission@queensu.ca.

Queen University Kingston Website

The Website of Queen University Kingston is www.queensu.ca.

Queen University Kingston Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Queen University Kingston is +1 613-533-2000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Queen University Kingston Service Center and Queen University Kingston customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Queen University Kingston customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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