Victoria University Footscray Park Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Victoria University Footscray Park is +61 3 9919 4000, +61 3 9919 6666 .
Victoria University is famous for providing the higher education in Australia. Melbourne based university has eleven campuses in the country, which includes The Footscray Park Campus also. It is the main campus of the university and is situated at Ballarat Road. The campus is spread in the area of seven hectare near Flemington Racecourse and the Maribyrnong River. There is a huge swimming pool and childcare facility in Footscray Park Campus. The campus had also added science research labs in it in 2011. The university was started in 1916 as Footscray Technical School. There are more than fifty thousand students enrolled in the university for both TAFE and Higher education. The address and contact number of Victoria University Footscray Park is also used for Victoria University Footscray Park Bookshop, Victoria University Footscray Park Childrens Centre, Victoria University Footscray Park Public Transport, Victoria University Footscray Park Gym, Victoria University Footscray Park Jobs, Victoria University Employment Footscray and Victoria University Swimming Pool.

Victoria University Footscray Park Address

The address of Victoria University Footscray Park is Ballarat Road, Footscray Victoria 3011, Australia.

Victoria University Footscray Park Website

The Website of Victoria University Footscray Park is

Victoria University Footscray Park Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Victoria University Footscray Park is +61 3 9919 4000, +61 3 9919 6666 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Victoria University Footscray Park Service Center and Victoria University Footscray Park customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Victoria University Footscray Park customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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