University of Mississippi Law School Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of University of Mississippi Law School is +1-662-915-7361 .
The University of Mississippi School Of Law is operational with the basic certification of the American Bar Association. The Law campus is situated in the Oxford city. The professional law school was installed by the university in 1854. Presently, the Dean of the school is Richard Garshon. This center offers secondary programs for Mississippi Judicial College, the National Center for Remote Sensing, Air and Space Law, the National Center for Justice and the Rule of Law and the Mississippi Innocence Project. There are Twelve hundred law practitioners does practice in this institution under guidance of professional lawyers and former chief justices of the court of justice of the United States. For Admissions students have to Clear the L.S.A.T. entrance examination. This law institute offers associate level as well masters level law programs. The address and contact number of University of Mississippi Law School is also used for University of Mississippi Law School Alumni, University of Mississippi Law School Admissions, University of Mississippi Law School Faculty and University of Mississippi Law School Integration.

University of Mississippi Law School Address

The address of University of Mississippi Law School is 481, Coliseum Drive, University, MS-38677, Mississippi, United States.

University of Mississippi Law School Email Address

The email address of University of Mississippi Law School is

University of Mississippi Law School Website

The Website of University of Mississippi Law School is

University of Mississippi Law School Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of University of Mississippi Law School is +1-662-915-7361 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of University of Mississippi Law School Service Center and University of Mississippi Law School customer phone number is given below. The helpline of University of Mississippi Law School customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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