Wellmark of Iowa Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Wellmark of Iowa is 515-376-4500, 800-524-9242 .
The Well mark Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the insurance company, it provides health insurance service, Medical Service and related products services. The company was founded in 1939. The well mark’s Main Office is located in Des Moines, Iowa, United States, and in additions, the company's branches are located in Sioux City, Iowa, Rapid City, Pierre and South Dakota. The Well Mark Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the leading health insurance company. The Well mark comes between the top three companies including Coventry Health Care, United Health Group Incorporated and Sanford Health-Merit Care. The well mark company is well known for its third-party administration and consulting services. In former times, well mark was known as Iowa Medical Service. The address and contact number of Wellmark of Iowa is also used for Wellmark Iowa Prior Authorization Form, Wellmark Iowa Exchange, Wellmark Iowa Aco and Wellmark Iowa Claims.

Wellmark of Iowa Address

The address of Wellmark of Iowa is 1331 Grand Avenue, Post Box 9232, Des Moines Iowa, United States.

Wellmark of Iowa Website

The Website of Wellmark of Iowa is www.wellmark.com.

Wellmark of Iowa Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Wellmark of Iowa is 515-376-4500, 800-524-9242 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Wellmark of Iowa Service Center and Wellmark of Iowa customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Wellmark of Iowa customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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