aman tech Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of aman tech is 111-11-8324, 03142626832 .
AMANTECH is an educational program offered by Aman Foundation, a local, not-for-profit trust, based and operating in Pakistan. The program provides a mix of vocational training and soft skills to the underserved youth of Pakistan and facilitating employment opportunities for them both locally and internationally. AMANTECH features a modern facility comprising of over 20 classrooms, 20 workshops and over 10 computer labs along with an extensive library, sports ground and a students breakout area. AMANTECH offers several yearly and certificate Courses in various trades namely Automobile, Electronics, Welding, Fabrication & Pipework, English Language (03 Months), Computer Skills (03 Months), CAD/CAM (06 Months) etc. AMANTECH also organizes industrial visits for students along with various activities and events viz. Sports Tournaments, Interaction with Alumni, Health Awareness Sessions etc. AMANTECH recruiting Partners include Arab-Tec, SIDDCO Group, Synergy Corporation, Atlas Group etc.

aman tech Address

The address of aman tech is 333, Korangi Township near Pakistan Refinery and CBM, Karachi, Pakistan.

aman tech Email Address

The email address of aman tech is

aman tech Website

The Website of aman tech is

aman tech Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of aman tech is 111-11-8324, 03142626832 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of aman tech Service Center and aman tech customer phone number is given below. The helpline of aman tech customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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