amatola water Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of amatola water is +27 (0) 43 707 3700 .
Amatola Water is a state-owned, non-profit business enterprise based in South Africa, accountable to the Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs. It was created to serve as a multi- service, bulk water services provider by national, provincial and local community stakeholders. Amatola Water operates more than 10 plants and seven sub-regional, bulk distribution networks, assisting local Government in the effective development and sustainable operation and maintenance of safe, reliable water supply and waste water services. The enterprise has a designated services area of over 45 704 kmĀ² covering most of the Amathole and part of the Chris Hani District Municipalities. Amatola Water offers contract services to municipalities for water abstraction, treatment, bulk supply and water quality monitoring for domestic, industrial and agricultural use. BINFIELD PARK DAM, DEBE DAM, MNYAMENI DAM, ROOIKRANTZ DAM and WRIGGLESWADE DAM are some of the projects of Amatola Water

amatola water Address

The address of amatola water is 6 Lancaster Road, Vincent 5247' East London, South Africa.

amatola water Email Address

The email address of amatola water is

amatola water Website

The Website of amatola water is

amatola water Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of amatola water is +27 (0) 43 707 3700 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of amatola water Service Center and amatola water customer phone number is given below. The helpline of amatola water customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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