Mr. Prashant Suryavanshi On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service charged me without my permission. I never required these services. Please stop theses services immediately and remove charges. I am very unhappy with BSNL for association of such nonsense companies as I am using BSNL lanline since 12 years.
Mr. Nilesh Chhajed On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
My telephone is not working since last two weeks. The landline number is 0253-2371726.
Mr. R Shiva Kumar On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
My phone connection is not working 02532805418.
Mr. S.m.kulkarni On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
My landline No. 2316415 is having cross connection with other line. Whenever we dial a call or receive a call, there is dial tone / engage tone and sound clarity is absolutely not there. Please book the complaint and resolve the issue immediately. Confirm the receipt of complaint on e-mail
M- 9223192826.
Ms. Usha V Sawant On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Perhaps you BSNL people are committed to close down BSNL department. Trying to register complain for not getting broad band access on my 02532395876 number, but nobody responding.
Mr. Kiran R Patil On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
My landline phone number 0253 2236658 is dead.
Ms. Sanjay gawali On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Please send customer care numbers
Mr. Sudhir Damle On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
0253-2323018 As I surrender my connection three years ago, but still deposit
not yet credited. So I am again restart connection and again deposit deducted from bill. I regret if my old deposit not credited within 15 then mark complaint to MINISTERY OF COMMUNICATION DELHI.
Mr. Dinesh Thirani On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
My number is 0253-2383007
I have upgraded to four MBPS plan from 1st September. But regretably I have not been able to receive the above download speed. I have been complaining to your People, but to no avail. I have today purchased a prepaid dongle from Vodafone for use in my office for net
so what is the use of claiming such speed , etc when you cannot provide the basic spped today speed is 0. 30 mbps.
Mr. Shrikrishna Deshmukh On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Dear BSNL Team,
0253- 2310511
With the reference of below mail regarding the BSNL Broadband Internet connectivity is not working properly the speed is very slow since last week i am facing the same problem so request you to see the my complaint details and do the needful.
Mr. Shrikrishna Deshmukh On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
0253- 2310511
Dear BSNL Team,
Please see my Complaint History I called up so many time regarding my wifi and telephone are not working properly since five days I am facing the same problem so i am trying to reach you, but no response from your team so kindly request you check the complaint details and do the needful
Thanks and Regards
Shrikrishna Deshmukh .
Mr. Anwar Shaikh On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
I bought BSNL SIM on BSNL stall Ambad xlo point nashik. Maharashtra last four days ago, but SIM card numbert ready to use total documents and photo has submitted same day what problem created to my SIM is not activate.
Mr. Appa Daulatrao Ushir On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
I have submitted the application form for new landline telephone connection with broadband, before one month ago at your sharanpur road office, the new connection is required at my Gangapur road, Office at Orchid Plaza, Near Jehan circle, Nashik, till date I am not getting any information from your side, My mobile number is 9822020898.
Mr. D.t. Bhadane On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
My mobile. 7588818350. On this mobile juiceup-JPB3W, pack, has been renewed automatically. To unsubscribe SMS sent on 155223, are not going, i want to stop the pack to be renewed. Pl do the needful. Thanks.
Mr. Laxmikant Dixit On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Dear sir,
i want to change the current paln of broadband to 675/- plan (unlimited) i have filled form at BSNL office canadacorner, why my request is canclled
request number is 8017772472 for pnone no 2312038.
Mr. Ugale Atmaram Punjaji On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
I am broadband useser my BSNL Land line number Is 02551-224400 from two days there is no net work as good as so i cant work online as good as solve the problem.
Mr. Harihara Naik On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Dear Complaint Solver,
I have a landline with broadband connection since last one year. My no 0253-2411350. Since last one month or so its very difficult to open any site in internet. Speed so low that I am not able to check my mails. This was not the problem before. Inspite of repeated complaint to 198 it is not corrected. Request to kindly help. Mob :9923124377.
Mr. Mr Anil Govind Patil On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Ms. Rachna Yadav On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
As we have registered complains against 0253-2417038, 0253-2410922 so many times online and by phone, but facing internet connection problem since one month. Since we have two internet connection plans and this type of feedback is not expected from BSNL. Please rectify the problem soon.
Mr. Nilesh Kapadnis On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
My landline number is 0253-2571625
My broadnband is notworking since last one week
Calling on 0253- 2313500, but no one is responding
Request you to rectify the defect.
Mr. Madhav Anant Hardikar On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
0253 2233090 my telephone number is out of service since 12-06-2016
Madhav hardikar. Ganesh Nagar kathe galli dwarka nasik.
Mr. Sharad Pande On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Good Morning
Sir/Madam I am a registered customer, Since morning I am trying get information about my landline and wifi bills and Payments HISTORY tried toll free number, but the employee who is sitting could not satisfy after that I ask for exchange Direct No. Given worog. On given No I tried various nos. No employee could not give correct Information of query @ Last I tried 02532390000 this no No body lifted the phone I want last six months details of Bills and Payments. Land line No 02532375696 Hope aleast if you can do it. But still BSNL contact and customers services are very POOR very difficult get correct contact and information Regards Sharad Pande .
Ms. Muhs On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
We from Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik, Vani- Dindori Road are facing PRI Line Non Connectivy from last two days. Our PRI Number is 0253-2530034.
Ms. Vijay Chavan On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
From last more than 15 days my land line No. 2393722, is not working, and Broad Bank Internet connection, is also not working
I have so many times called up to your Cidco Sahyadri Nagar Office
but till date have not solved my phone problem. You are requested to kindly clear my problem on Top priority.
Mr. Sabir On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Dear land line 2424329 is not working from last four days and complaints us registered and no one attending the call and service. Which is pathedict condition. Bsnl service person which is not response. Sabir.
Mr. Paresh On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Telephone Bill of Account No 1004385712 is NOT our telephone account number
so that DON'T send on this mail id.
Mr. Pratik Vyas On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
As expected. No response This indicates that BSNL would never improve It would always remain as a typical 3rd class Government department.
Mr. Nandan Tonpay On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Opted for Portability from BSNL with code as BZ669125 on 18 March 2016. Related mobile number is 8308199570. I am still getting signals on that SIM and my port out request have yet not been executed.
Mr. Nilesh Maruti Memane On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Mobile number 7588038973 is not working since last week. I have tried to contact on 1800 180 1503 from other service provider, but it didn't work. Card is issued on the name of Mr. Maruti Deoram Memane under agriculture scheme. So please look into matter and solve the problem as soon as possible.
Mr. Sukhwant Singh On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
I do not remember either my ID or my password. How can you please help. My landline number is 2493606. My name is Col Sukhwant Singh . My address is 32 Hill Range Colony, Anand Road, Devlali Camp. My plan is Broad band that permits four mbps. My customer ID is 1004150759. Please help.
Mr. Bapu Gas Distributors,amrutdham Nas On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
In our ladline phone sound is not cleared few days. Office number is 2517555 and 2519777 Amrutdham nashik has not been working since last many days. Not able to hear the sound when some one calls from outside and continuously disturbing sound is coming.
Mr. S B Patil On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
I have got new LL and BB combo connection at Nashik (LL number 0253-2471434)The telephone was installed at my residence at Anmol Nayantara City Two, flat C 301, Karmayogi Nagar in last week of May 2015. AS I was to visit USA from June 2015 I had requested not to activate the telephone till I inform BSNL. The number Was not activated till 2nd June 2015 and I went to USA on 2nd June. I had received bill of Rs. 1874 against the number in July 2015. I have now got reminder on my mail to pay rupees 2160 when actually the phone has not been used even for a single incoming or outgoing call or any Broadband service. Please look into the matter and cancel the bill raised against my BSNL Land line number 02532471434.
Mr. Nilabh Singh On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
My land line number is 025550-227533 and I am using rupees 675 combo plan. It has been been observed that since November 2014 I have been charged some extra against movie/games on demand _Hungama which I have never asked. I have never given any written request or verbal telephonic approval to start this service. 1. Bill for invoice period 01/10/2014 to 30. 10. 2014 was charged rupees 763(including 66. 84 rupees extra against movie/games on demand _Hungama ):Paid2. Bill for invoice period 01/11/2014 to 30. 11. 2014 was charged rupees 850(including 148 rupees extra Kindly stop this service with immediate effect (i. E movie/games on demand _Hungama ) and arrange to revise my bill of Des 2014 i. E rupees 850 by deducting the extra what have been extra charged.
Mr. Aziz Rajgara On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
No one is there to answer a call. Even in office hours very disgusting. I have application pending for new Bsnl landline and broadband connection for more than 3 months, but have not got connection still, what type of service is this? Hope to receive some response through this complain. Mr Saiffuddin A. AluminumwalaThakker Harmoney. Takli Road C1/701Dwarka, Nashik 422001Tell numbers 7350277856, 9168445352.
Mr. Manish Sardesai On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
No response on this number. I am not getting any response for my new connection. Hence I have called on this number, but not satisfied.
Mr. R G Kedar On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Kindly arrange reactivate dynamic locking facility on our LandLine connection. LandLine number is 0253 - 2380 326). Since at present not able to do it.
Mr. Vittaldas Shenoy On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
We have a Wi-Fi broadband connection at our home, but we are not in a position to use Wi-Fi via mobile, Even though the mobile says, it is connected. Therefore we seek your help to guide us as to connecting internet via mobile. Landline number is 0253-2314940.
Mr. Abhaykumar Shah On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
My land-line number is 0253-2314775. I am also using broadband with it. Land-line and broadband both are not working. Can you please resolve the problem as early as possible. Thanks.
Mr. Harpal Singh On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Residence number is 2311643 Ganagpurroad has not been working since last many days. Not able to hear the ring when some one calls from outside and continuously disturbing sound is coming.
Ms. Mrs. Mangala Sudhakar Kumawat On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
I had surrendered my landline phone number 0253 2436898 on27th December 2013. While asked to officer when our deposit money will be returned? It was told that within two months you will get back at your home address, but since ten months,neither any phone calls or information i had received from. I could understand the problem why you could not give back our deposit. I had so many times asked to your nasik road office and dy. Manager at Pune, but in vain. Please make it clear whether you are giving back or should i go to consumer court to solve this?or to donate/bribe undertable the whole deposit money to your lazy incompetent and useless officers who are handling this affairs.
Mr. Dinkar Shinde On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
There is a problem in landline broadband connection. There are many interruptions in data transfer and also in audio line. The complaint number of BSNL is not responding. Kindly do the needful.
Mr. Dnyaneshwar Chaudhari On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
I am dnyaneshwar chaudhari. Sir, I want to know how my bill comes six hundred sixty six. For the month of October. It should es to six hundred seven. I already paid bill for the month of September And my broadband plan is you limited. I did not call any phone from my land line phone. Waiting for reply.
Mr. VIJAYPRKASH On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
phone number 2410178 Bill No 10045703920047 paid through Net on 2/10/2013 amount 653 However it has again reflected in this months bill to be paid by 26th of this month Please make corrections in the bill so as to unable me to pay the correct bill for the month of October.
Mr. N D S T Dindori On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Your Broad Band is not proper woking
No Speed your broad Band
pls cheq your broad Band Speed
your seed not satisfaction to customer
BSNL is larges Broad Band service in India
so please cheq your Broad Band speed
My Landline number is 02557-221101
Mr. Nirmal kanaujia On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Dear Sir,
I had recharged Rs.199.00 by internet banking on dated-30.09.13 at my mobile 9404203445 for six month roaming free plan, but plan is not activated on my mobile till now and balance is deducted . Please find detail of recharge as below--
1.30/09/2013- BIL/493345923/1018/919404203445/91940-DR
INR 199.00
Now I am staying in Baddi,Distt.-Solan,Himachal Pradesh and not communicate to customer care,1503 number is not reachable.
Please do the needful as soon as possible.
Nirmal Kanaujia
Mr. Sagar Landge On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Dear sir,
My mobil PIN block. he ask Enter PUK number my SIM number is 89916 61152 11207 5723 and my cell number is 9423406604.
my alternate number is 9860541489 please give me soluation on this
Mr. Dr Yashwant Gupta On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Dear sir,
My mobile number is 9404549051, I am unable to call BSNL landline no (STD) for example 07582-220334, Every time i got message "all routes of this line are busy" this is happening for last one week
Please help
Mr. pankaj bharambe On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Almost two months there is no mobile range for my pre and post paid connection. Other servise provider works fine. one month ago I had complained the same, but no improvement. please suggest
My number 9405312212
Mr. Kishor Baviskar On Phone To BSNL Nashik Service
Recharged of rupees 135 to avail talk time 350 minutes to any net work with validity of one month. From yesterday my main balance is getting reduced though validity is not over.
Please do needful and transfer the cut amount.