BMI Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of BMI is 800-925-8451, (212) 220-3000 .
BMI or Broadcast Music Inc., is a Non Profit Organization that performs rights in the United States. Addition to the company, there are two other right performing organizations in the country; ASCAP and SESAC. The Organization is responsible for collected license fees for music related activities. BMI distributes all collected fees among the songwriters, music publishers, music distributors and others who have contributed in making the music album.

BMI Operations:

According to the financial reports of 2013, BMI had totally collected $944 million and had distributed more than 86 percent of that many. The Organization had performed many genres of songs including mainstream pop, death metal and Hip hop. It collects fees behalf of many artists like Fifth Harmony, Birdman, Lady Gaga, Eminem and Shakira and leading brands like diverse as Maroon 5 and Linkin Park. BMI also represents many well known composers like Harry Gregson-Williams and Danny Elfman. BMI distributes many awards every year including BMI Christian Music Awards, BMI Country Awards, BMI Film & TV Awards, BMI Latin Awards, BMI London Awards, BMI Pop Awards and BMI Trailblazers Awards.

BMI Headquarter Location:

BMI operates five offices across the United States. The headquarters of the organization is located at 10 Music Square East Nashville, Tennessee 37203-4399 United States. Contact information of other office locations is given below.

BMI Tennessee Contact Information:

BMI Tennessee Office Location:
10 Music Square East Nashville, Tennessee 37203-4399 United States.

BMI Tennessee Phone Number:
(615) 401-2000

BMI Tennessee Email Address:

BMI Los Angeles Contact Information:

BMI Los Angeles Office Location:
8730 Sunset Boulevard, 3rd Floor West, West Hollywood, California 90069-2211 United States.

BMI Los Angeles Phone Number:
(310) 659-9109

BMI Los Angeles Email Address:

BMI Atlanta Contact Information:

BMI Atlanta Office Location:
3340 Peachtree Road, North East Suite 570, Atlanta, Georgia 30326 United States.

BMI Atlanta Phone Number:
(404) 261-5151

BMI Atlanta Email Address:

BMI Puerto Rico Contact Information:

BMI Puerto Rico Office Location:
1250 Avenue, Ponce de Leon, San Jose Building, Suite 1008 Santurce, Puerto Rico 00907 United States.

BMI Puerto Rico Phone Number:
(787) 754-6490

BMI Puerto Rico Email Address:

BMI United Kingdom Contact Information:

Addition to the United States, Broadcast Music Inc., also operates office in United Kingdom.
BMI United Kingdom Office Location:
84 Harley House, Marylebone Road, London NW1 5HN, United Kingdom.

BMI United Kingdom Phone Number:
+44 20 7486 2036

BMI United Kingdom Email Address:

BMI Customer Service Number:

800-925-8451 is the customer relation number of the organization.

(212) 220-3000 is the phone number of Headquarters of Broadcast Music Inc.

BMI Email Address:, music lovers can send any inquiry to the organization through this email address.

Website of BMI: is the official website of the organization.

BMI Presence on the Social Media Websites:

BMI is present on all the leading social media websites.
BMI Facebook Account:

BMI Twitter Account:

BMI Instagram Account:

BMI Pinterest Account:

BMI YouTube Channel:

BMI Google Plus Account:

Important Links on the official Website of BMI:

BMI License Account Management:

BMI Licensing Frequently Asked Questions:

BMI Press Room:

BMI Address

The address of BMI is 7 World Trade Center, 250 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10007-0030 United States.

BMI Email Address

The email address of BMI is

BMI Website

The Website of BMI is

BMI Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of BMI is 800-925-8451, (212) 220-3000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of BMI Service Center and BMI customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of BMI customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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