Billmatrix Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Billmatrix is 800.967.9649 / 800-872-7882 .
BillMatrix (now called Fiserv) is a global leader in electronic payment services. The company specializes in offering the innovative and reliable payment processing and billing services. It was established in 1994. But in 2005, it was acquired by Fiserv and renamed as Fiserv in 2009. Fiserv has been listed among the Fortune 500 companies. Furthermore, the company was at number one position according to the FinTech 100 Survey. The head office of the company is situated in Brookfield, Wisconsin. There are about 20,000 employees working in the company. It has presence at 250 locations across the globe. The company in June 2010 acquired the financial software developing company Advice America.

Mailing Address of Billmatrix

In order to send their mails, the customers can use the below offered address or directly call at the given number including as:
255 Fiserv Drive
Brookfield, WI 53045
PO Box 979
Brookfield, WI 53008-0979
BillMatrix: 1-800-967-9649

Frequent Numbers of the Billmatrix

For frequent services and responses. feel free to call at the given numbers including as:
Card Services: 800-554-8969
MyCheckFree: 800-564-9184
On Demand Payments: 866-661-8547
Walk-In Solutions: 800-676-6148
Sales Representative: 262-879-5000
Toll Free: 800-872-7882

Media Contacts of Billmatrix

The press holders can get media information on the below mentioned email addresses which includes as:
Britt Zarling(Vice President, Corporate Communications):

Ann Cave
Director, Public Relations: 678-375-4039:

Julie E. Smith: 412-577-3341 :

Transfer Agent of Billmatrix

In order to get connected with the transfer agent of the Billmatrix, the customers can use below mentioned contact details including as:
Wells Fargo Shareowner Services
P.O. Box 64856
St. Paul, MN 55164-0856
Wells Fargo Shareowner Services
161 N. Concord Exchange
South St. Paul, MN 55075-1139
Tel: (800)468-9716

Investor Relations of Billmatrix

For the details of the investors, the users can contact the below mentioned officer which renders its full support to the customers as:
Tel: (800)425-FISV
Stephanie Gregor
VP-Investor Relations
Phone: 262-879-5969

Billmatrix Address

The address of Billmatrix is 255 Fiserv Drive Brookfield, Wisconsin, United States.

Billmatrix Email Address

The email address of Billmatrix is

Billmatrix Website

The Website of Billmatrix is

Billmatrix Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Billmatrix is 800.967.9649 / 800-872-7882 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Billmatrix Service Center and Billmatrix customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Billmatrix customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Billmatrix Phone Number Customer Service

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Billmatrix Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Melanie CallsJul 02, 2018

Ms. Melanie On Phone To Billmatrix Service
According to my local gas company, a payment of $100 was reversed back to bill matrix on April 19, 2018; however, I have not received that money back into my account. Please call me at 318-868-1234 or after five p. M. Central time at 318-617-2927 so we can clear up this oversight. Thank you,
Melanie .

Customer care male
Mr. Robert Moore CallsMay 22, 2017

Mr. Robert Moore On Phone To Billmatrix Service
I was illegally charged 137. 00 on my bank account. Please explain ASAP.

Customer care male
Mr. Jay Hogan CallsMay 21, 2017

Mr. Jay Hogan On Phone To Billmatrix Service
Your company handles millions upon millions of dollars worth of transactions yearly, but you do not have the ability to remember my information on the AEP web site. Not even the account number or billing info from the previous page. Spend some of those billions and make my life easier or I'll call for a boycott of Bill Matrix or request AEP to drop your services.

Customer care female
Ms. Cassandra D Williams CallsOct 21, 2017

I paid the bill of $98. 00. Billmatrix accepted the payment and the confirmation number appeared for a split second, then it disappeared. I have no record of paying the bill, other than my word until my bank statement comes out.

Customer care female
Ms. Debra White CallsMay 03, 2017

Ms. Debra White On Phone To Billmatrix Service
When paying my electric bill 02903697601, the option allows for withdrawals on my checking account, but when I pay my electric bill 02030242420 for my garage, it only allows debit card. I was told to report this to you for correction. Thank you.

Customer care male
Mr. Elaine Pierce CallsJan 18, 2018

Mr. Elaine Pierce On Phone To Billmatrix Service
Please do not make customers who speak English press 1--most companies now make people who do not speak English press whatever.

Customer care male
Mr. Jerry Venerella CallsAug 23, 2017

Mr. Jerry Venerella On Phone To Billmatrix Service
Paid my sisters Entergy bill and it did not show that payment had been received like it usually does on the bill. Guess that is because your ethically and technically challenged company's servers do not work at night? Anyway, tried it again, got the confirmation and all of the sudden got a message from Chase saying I was negative $145. 00. The bill I paid, wasn't even mine because I would NEVER use Entergy. At any rate, I have contacted Chase and they have issued a credit for the pending duplicate charge in the amount of $169. 93. The confirmation is: 3330091224336 Do not submit this duplicate bs for payment, since it will cost Entergy in the long run and Chase will investigate and return my money.

Customer care female
Ms. Chrs CallsAug 07, 2018

Ms. Chrs On Phone To Billmatrix Service
Contract with Georgia Power is unfair to customers Cannot make online payments more than five times a month using a credit card AND if you even use a debit card for free, you are still limited if you choose to switch up and use a credit card on occasion People are just trying to keep their service on and are throwing any available funds to their bill and you will not allow them to do so? Shame on you I'm sure Fieserv is not sitting around in the dark, sweating miserably in the summer heat, but you want to dictate how I am to pay my bill?.

Customer care female
Ms. Sabrina Ferri CallsApr 06, 2018

Ms. Sabrina Ferri On Phone To Billmatrix Service
Your useless agents have hung up on me twice in the last ten minutes. Yall are trying to run my card twice which is causing me overdraft fees and draining my account. I need this resolved, but apparently you crooks do not care and cant be bothered to to actually do work and help your customers. I will be calling again. But unlike yall I have to actually work at my job, but rest assured nce I get off work I'm going to keep calling until this is resolved.

Customer care male
Mr. James Carter CallsFeb 03, 2016

Mr. James Carter On Phone To Billmatrix Service
I arranged online for a payment to con edison for 100$ on 2/9/16 and the money will not be in the account at that time and I would like to cancel the payment scheduled. The receipt number for the payment is 666420064202133. My name is James Carter 917-385-7327.

Customer care male
Mr. Rahn Giddens CallsFeb 27, 2015

Mr. Rahn Giddens On Phone To Billmatrix Service
They charge my bank account 424. 00 twice. I need that back.

Customer care female
Ms. Donna CallsJan 14, 2015

Ms. Donna On Phone To Billmatrix Service
Paying light bill online and it had me waiting for over 35 minutes and it NEVER PROCESSED The payment when i called a csr, they could not tell me if it was going to process it later or not process the payment it sucks.

Customer care female
Ms. Christy Vest CallsSep 29, 2014

Ms. Christy Vest On Phone To Billmatrix Service
I paid an electric bill from a bank account. Aep states i have to contact bill matrix for refund as they cannot turn the power on at this time. The deposit was for 175. 00. My name is christy vest. Bank routing number is 051900395. Bank account number is 0069776482.

Customer care user complaints