Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce is 02066866200 .
Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce - BMCC Pune was established in 1943 by the Deccan Education Society with a view to providing enlightened leadership and trained manpower in the field of commerce and business to the country which was on the threshold of independence. Prof. D. G. Karve, a renowned economist and some time Deputy Governor, the Reserve Bank of India was the First Principal of the College. He was followed by a line of very able and dedicated principals: Prin. S. V. Kogekar, Prin. Dr. T. M. Joshi, Prin. N. A. Mavlankar, Prin. Dr. N. K. Kulkarni and Prin. Dr. C. G. Vaidya, who led the College from strength to strength in every direction. Late Shri. C. G. Agashe, the Managing Agent of the Brihan Maharashtra Sugar Syndicate Limited, was instrumental in getting a munificent donation of Rs. 2, 00,000/- for the College from the Syndicate. Hence the College was named as the Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce.
Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce - BMCC Pune is a pioneering, premier Commerce College in Maharashtra. Situated at the foot of the rugged Fergusson College Hill and dotted with lush green trees and shrubs all around, it has a most picturesque and inviting atmosphere. The College has been recognized with several awards and prizes in the recent past. Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce - BMCC Pune is a recognized Research Centre of the University of Pune engaged in conducting M.Phil and Ph.D. in Commerce. A well equipped computer laboratory and a novel project of Commerce Laboratory have been the distinct features of BMCC. A scholastic tradition of BMCC is reflected in the consistent meritorious performance of students at the HSC and University examinations. An accredited centre for C. A. CPT coaching, Remedial Courses and DES External students Study Centre are also noteworthy activities of Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce. This is the largest among all the building in the campus where non- grant courses like, BBA, BFT, BCA, and post graduate diploma courses are conducted. The new building comprises of nine big size class rooms and two medium size class rooms with LCD fixed in each of them. It also has a computer laboratory and an office for the coordinator of the non -grant courses.

Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce - BMCC Pune library building admeasuring 1400sq.ft. was constructed in 1973 in a two storied building. A separate spacious library building with two reading halls is significant assets of the college. The first has a seating capacity of sixty where as the second with a larger capacity of 450 is on the first floor of the library. The library building has section for issue and receipt of books, adequate stacking facility for books and journals on a separate floor, a section for journal and magazine, seven cubicles for teaching staff and research scholars and a separate provision for reprography is also there. The Computer Center of the college comes under the purview of the Computer Center Committee under the Chairmanship of the Principal and Head of the Department is In-charge of the routine activities.
Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce - BMCC Pune is one of the few institutes in Pune city to have a sophisticated modern language laboratory with five foreign languages being taught presently. The language laboratory has twenty five booths with listening and recording facility. The students enrich themselves by learning foreign language of their choice. Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce - BMCC Pune has established the Commerce Laboratory in the year 2003, wherein several study-projects for entrepreneurial development are undertaken by the students. The institution has up-to-date computer facility for teaching learning process, administrative process and library. It has two well equipped computer laboratories for different courses related to ITC. The auditorium is aesthetically designed and is used for addressing the students, for conducting guest lectures and workshops and organizing social and cultural events. The students staying in the hostel are provided subsidized mess facility. The air conditioned A.V.Hall with the latest technology is used for seminars, presentations, recording, guest lectures, etc. It has a seat capacity of eighty.
This is yet another feather in the cap of Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce - BMCC Pune where students can try for seeking their placement side - by - side their graduation. Many leading industrial organizations both, of national and international repute approach us every year. Students are invited to apply for suitable posts in the fields like - Finance, Marketing, etc.

Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce Address

The address of Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce is 845, Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra.

Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce Email Address

The email address of Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce is

Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce Website

The Website of Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce is

Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce is 02066866200 (Click phone number to call).

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