Mr. Claude Lemoine On Phone To Broderbund Service
I buy on 7-jul-2018 a software from your company on-line (PRINT MASTER PLATINIUM)
I did not receive nothing yet, but on my Master card you get paid the same day. How long it will take before I get the CD or DVD ?
This is my second reply
Really hope to have an answer to my question .
Ms. Margaret Bening On Phone To Broderbund Service
When I print the picture the outline of the character or
images shows up white instead of black. I cannot find
in settings what is wrong. All ink is fully loaded. I have PrintMaster Platinum 16. I have Microsoft windows 10. Phone number 1-250-868-3336.
Mr. Larry Cutting On Phone To Broderbund Service
A few days ago, I had a project that I needed to do. Having used your print shop premier v five before and it did everything I wanted to do. Tried to load it into windows 8. one and no go couldn't even do it with updates. So I went to your website and looked at print master platinum 6. 0 and figured that it would fit my needs. I downloaded it online. I've got to tell you that it was a total waste of my money. Very unhelpful users manual and whole program is definitely not user friendly. I have spent days and many hours just trying to figure out how to create a simple name badge. I say again, a waste of money and will remove the program from my computer. I was able to create the name badges with an old version of word perfect, and was happy with that. My mistake for choosing this particular program. Live and learn.
Terribly disappointed with the "new" version of this software. I did not order the professional version due to issues with installing on my computer and sorry to say, that my old version of the printshop - version 23 - have far more functions than the new version. Honestly what a waste of money. There are no resizing rulers, I cannot seem to find the snap to guides - there is no insert toolbar on my version. Is this a bug. Right now, after waiting for five days to receive my software (I paid for two day priority shipping with no way to track my purchse because a tracking number was never provided)then having sub par functionality, I will not be purchasing another Broderbund product.